Friday, December 24, 2010

Girls. Soon It Will Be Christmas Eve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ah, yes, the Festive Christmas. One of the defining symbols for me, in addition to the Nativity, was my Little Golden Books edition of Clarence Clement Moore's "The Night Before Christmas," which portrayed such in visions of Victorian Americana. This was before I discovered Dickens, so I am sure this is what awakened my taste for Victorianism!!!! Not to mention sitting catatonic in front of the screen, while Channel 11 in New York, would broadcast the Yule Log, supposedly burning from Gracie Mansion (whose current inhabitant deserves to burn with it!!!) while playing the most gorgeous Christmas music of the season.

Later the traditions became more irreverent--staying up late with my sister's children, watching the K. Gordon Murray 60's classic "Santa Claus," which from a designer perspective is like a Technicolor Georges Melies film, and features the little Mexican girl, Lupita, plus the most flamboyant Devil this side of Chelsea!!!!! Honey, next to this Devil, I am as butch as Eric Evans!!!!!

Alas, as one matures, ( though I am STILL professionally 24, darlings!!!!) the traditions get more low key. This year I am content to huddle around the fire with friends and family, while squeezing in reading Dickens' "Great Expectations" ( which I will have more to say on when I finish, and get back to NYC, where I can start posting pictures) and just thanking God we all have made it to another Christmas Eve, and hoping we will make it to the next.

So, girls, hang those stockings by the chimney with care, tonight! And not fishnets, you bitches!!!!!! May all your Christmas traditions be observed, and all your Holiday wishes come true!!!!!!!!

Santa, Baby!!!!!!!

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