Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Girls, Today Is The Frist Day Of Winter!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, I was taught consistency, so I am telling you, winter arrives today, but the Shortest Day is Tomorrow????? What I want to know is--which is the Longest Night???? Tonight, or tomorrow!!!!! If the former, I can cuddle with Monsieur Davide flr a LOOOOOOOONG time, if tomorrow I will be wearing my Spinster Nightgown in bucolic Pennsylvania!!!!!!!!

Nevertheless, it is the first day of Winter. Ah, yes, the snow covering the hope of spring. That day whenever the spring breaks through. Yes, of course I know this "Lara's Theme" from "Doctor Zhivago; " do you think I am stupid!!!! I mean, back in the 69=0s, when this film appeared, we ALL wanted to be Julie Christie!!!!!
And we still do; because I am telling you, at close to 70, she looks fantastic!!!!!!!!

Winter also marks the halfway point of Prosperina's stay in Hell; she has been down three months,and can come back up in three more!!!! Hang on there, doll!!!!!!!!! What I can NEVER understand is once the Holidays come to a screeching halt on January 2, the next 79 days are the LONGEST of the year!!!! It seems winter never ends, even though we like cuddling, hot drinks, and reading Victorian literature, which seems to go well with this weather. As soon as I finish my current missive, I am going to re read that old favorite, "Great Expectations," by Charles Dickens!!!!! That Miss Havisham is one of my role models, and a role I have ALWAYS wanted to play!!!!! In acting, darlings, not real life!!!!!!!

So let us welcome another Winter, a fabulous Solstice, capped off by the arrival of the Baby Jesus--the Only One whose birth could upstage Meryl Streep's!!!!!!!!

Let's get those chestnuts ready to roast, loves!!!!!!

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