Monday, December 13, 2010

Yesterday, A Distinguished Artist Was Honored!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you have been reading this blog for any length of time, I don't have to tell you who the young man in the photo is. But I will; it is Tyler Clementi, the gifted artist and human being who left this world all too soon. Though I was not able to be present at the Bergen Youth Orchestra concert honoring him the day before, I want you to know that Monsieur Davide and I observed fifteen minutes--till 4:15 PM--of solid honoring in tribute. And for this Raving Queen to keep its mouth shut for any extended length of time is an achievement, darlings!!!!!!!!!!

The event, I am told, emphasized triumph and artistry, rather than tragedy. The concertmaster violin chair was named for Tyler Clemeenti, at the specific request of the widow of its predecessor, Robert Geiger, who know the Clementis. A proud and honorable moment, indeed.

The Raving Queen has learned that the Clementi family has started a charitable organization in honor of Tyler, and more information on that will be forthcoming. You know, girls, I will be doing my all to support that, and as soon as the info is learned, I expect all my girls to do the same!!!!!!!!!!! Remember, support for Tyler is support for justice!!!!! And keeps his presence alive in the hearts of so many he had no idea he was capable of touching. But he has, and continues to.

So let us continue to honor Tyler as we honor those who still suffer from the social ailment of homophobic bullying that needs to end in order to avoid further tragedies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Charity begins at home, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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