Saturday, January 1, 2011

Baby New Year's Here To Stay!!!!!!!

Happy New Year, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, can you believe it is now 2011????? Monsieur and I toasted in the arrival, watching the Times Square Ball drop, with Gatorade and Iced Tea. I know, we are such swingers; I am telling you!!!!!!

This morning happens to be Monsieur's birthday, and didn't I just make one of my "Julie and Julia" breakfasts for him???? And didn't he just love it and his birthday card/gift!!!!!!

The first thing I am grateful for in 2011 is that I have a Monsieur Davide, and I hope all my girls out there do, or acquire one. A year of new books, movies, shows, drama (not too much of that, honey!!!!!) and who knows what else. And the Raving Queen will continue to report on it all, including outcomes from last year, like the Tyler Clementi tragedy!!!!!

The New Year Baby arrived last night, and I was on hand to welcome it!!!!!

Make sure you welcome whatever babies arrive this year, darlings!!!!!

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