Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Back To The Slag Heap. Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nothing is more humbling, darlings, than a dose of cold, hard, Reality, and I certainly got one this morning on my way in to work, where I was returning after a sumptuous, restful two week vacation. The train had just pulled in to Times Square, and yours, truly--SO literary, girls!--was immersed in "The Museum Of Innocence" by Orhan Pamuk. I could not stop reading it, and, unlike most, lambs, I can multi-task, so I sauntered off the train, not wanting to lose my train of concentration. As I strolled out, reading, and people got onto the train as I sauntered out--and I was NOT holding any of these hooligans up, I can tell you!-- I hear this harpy voice say "Oh, come on!" Listen, you career bitch, who the Hell do you think you are????? Fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you read anything denser than "Twilight???" Not with that attitude, love. And with that attitude, I would not want to see your skin or fingernails, honey!!!!!! And when was the last time you were at a hairstylist????

So it is back to work we go!!!!! What could be a more fitting reminder???? At least MY face cream was in place; you better believe it!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I get to the Office, and a ton of work--emails, books to fill, things to write, and of course the always lurking possibility of having to face Grotesque Creatures, who, as we approach another year, will inevitably get even older and more Grotesque.

Yes, girls, there is nothing like coming back to work!!!! But, as Monsieur Davide says, this is going to be FABULOUS!!!!!!!!! Once I am back in routine, it will be like I never left at all, I have a fabulous party to look forward to tonight (my friend, Harvey, who looks GREAT at 62!!!!!!!!!!) and a social gathering on Sunday, which also happens to be Joan Baez' 70th birthday, and you know I will do a tribute of some sort to Joan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to also report that I spend a stunning night, in my New Princess Bed, where I felt like a Princess, and had the most restful, comforting dreams, of childhood past--Aunt Edna, Marc, Betty Pruella and Lynn Perlgut--all in one dream!!! Darlilngs, only I could dream it!!!! Lynn and I were discussing food allergies, of all things; we should have been discussing the latest fashions!!!!!!!!

And wasn't it simply lovely to find the issue of MarieClaire on my desk, with a glowing picture of the radiant Amy Adams????? Honey, if I could look this good after childbirth, I would have had a baby by now!!!!!!!! But I do not need one; I have Monsieur Davide, and am thankful for all I do have!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So let us see what 2011 brings, girls!!!!!!!!! May all your New Years wishes be granted and Resolutions fulfilled!!!!!!!!!!!!

Onward, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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