Saturday, January 22, 2011

Darlings, If Rue Could Do It, We All Could!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, let me tell you, I have no one to blame for this but myself, and having set things in motion, I am forced, especially with Monsieur pushing me, and rightfully so, to proceed.

On February the 8th, I will be undergoing a colonoscopy!!!!!! It is a lot of CRAP!!!!!! I mean, full of SHIT!!!!!!!!!! Or, in this case, NOT full at all!!!!!!!!!
Needless to say, this has been my focal point of worry, ever since I made the initial appointment with the doctor. And despite everyone reassuring me, and that I have had one before, and came out OK, all my fears and anxieties have surfaced. Especially with Monsieur, whom I plan to spend a long time with. After what I have gone through, girls to find the Man of MY Dreams, I am not going to let go!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But Monsieur himself said something to me the other night, which brought me up short. We were discussing one of our favorite shows, "The Golden Girls," and he recalled to me an episode (which I cannot recall) where Blanche Deveraux Herself (the great Rue McClanahan) went into the hospital to have a pacemaker installed. That is when Monsieur said to me "If Rue could do it, you can do it!" So, darlings, let that be our mantra. Let us all be inspired by Blanche/Rue when facing whatever it is any of us have to face, whether a colonoscopy, a bad hair day, or....uneven finger cuticles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's face it, it is one big Pain In The Ass!!!!!!!!!!! And you know, darlings I have known plenty of those in MY time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posteriors skyward, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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