Saturday, January 8, 2011

Darlings, We Are On The Road To Justice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, there are serious things to discuss here, but I want to point something out, via the photo that I have selected for this posting. That Tyler Clementi must have been a real sweetie; he was cute as a button, too, as you can see from the photo of him hugging his singularly attractive Ridgewood HS classmate. Believe me, the memory of that is going to last that girl a lifetime!!!!!! I can tell you, it speaks well not only of Tyler, but of Ridgewood, because I can tell you, honey, back in 1973, when I graduated, no one hugged anybody--do you think we wanted to? if Roberta and Diane never gave me the time of day before, why should they now?--we just tossed our caps and gowns aside and got on with our lives. Which speaks volumes about Highland Park, New Jersey, circa 1973!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On a more serious note, why do Jersey's Children have to die, before laws are passed???? On July 29, 1994, a seven-year-old Jersey girl, Megan Kanka, was murdered by Jesse Timmendquas, pedophile scum holing up in the Kankas' nabe, who lured Megan into his house, and assaulted and killed her, then hiding her body. Like something out of "The Lovely Bones!" I often wondered if this case was the basis for Alice Sebold's book, but nothing confirms that! And now this year, Jesse hits the big 50, while Megan, who should have been 23, and might have been a Jersey housewife, or the next Snooki by now, lies in her grave, having been denied a chance at anything. Isn't that disgusting, girls???? But in 1996, Megan's Law, a Federal mandate, was passed, requiring that residents be notified if/when a sex offender should move into the neighborhood. The sad fact, especially for the Kankas, is that it took Megan's death to do it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nevertheless, this will be Megan's Legacy, and in such way she will always be with us as a reminder!!!!!!

Now we have the same thing with Tyler Clementi. This week, Governor Christie, who earlier had been hedging, signed into play the "Tyler Clementi Higher Education Anti- Harassment Act," which requires teachers to be responsible and observant of potential similar trouble in their students, even training them for such, to see that such future acts do not occur. And I have a feeling, darlings, that Christie's action was fueled by the recent revelation that Tyler's parents, Joseph and Jane Clementi, are planning to sue Rutgers University!!!!!!! As well they should!!!!!!!!!!!!

Again, as history repeats, the sad fact is that it took Tyler's death to do it!!!!! I am sure the Clementis are well aware of this!!!!!!! Tyler was robbed the same way Megan was. He had the RIGHT to attend college, discovering his potential AND sexuality for himself, without any outside interference, and certainly not the insidious kind Darvi and Wei visited upon him. I would say place those two skanks in the same cell with Timmendquas, but then they are too old for him; though Darvi, with his obviously rampant homophobia, would sweat bullets just being in the same room with him, probably!!!!!!!!! Let him suffer!!!!!!!!!!!

Just like, Megan, Tyler will have HIS legacy, which means because of this he will always be with us in some way. Hardly the comfort his parents, friends and admirers need. And think of that Someone, whom our Loving Tyler would eventually have found, made very happy, and would himself have been made happy by!!!!!! But Ravi and Wei took that from him, which is why I think they should be prosecuted for a Hate Crime, and Rutgers' actions looked at for tolerating one!!!!!!!!!!! I think it is important to Tyler's Legacy that his parents sue Rutgers and win SOMETHING; it does not matter what or how much. Just the fact that they nailed these homophobes to the wall, and WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But let us for a moment savor the Victory of the signing of this Act. It speaks volumes of the impact of Tyler's death. And now his legacy will be to remind others that this must NEVER happen again!!!!!!!!!!

So, girls, stand up! Stand Up for the rights of American Youth to discover for themselves who they are, and the right to live with that!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Right On!!!!!!!!!!

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