Girls, yesterday I was informed, we lost the great Margaret Whiting, daughter of composer Richard Whiting, who, at the tender age of 19 in 1943, sang her biggest hit, "Moonlight In Vermont." And no one ever sang that song like Margaret!!!!!
I am pretty sure, darlings, that Miss Whiting in no way early on set her sights on any kind of gay iconic ism. But, nevertheless, she did achieve such in two unique ways. The first, back in 1967, was when she provided the singing voice of Susan Hayward as Helen Lawson in "Valley Of The Dolls," which, of course, went on to become, and still remains, an iconic gay film!!!!! Her classic rendition of "I'll Plant My Own Tree" (which has to be one of the WORST songs ever, girls!!!!!!) still stands out, for all the wrong reasons, but you have to hand it to Margaret for taking the assignment and giving it her all!!!!!
The next, more unique way, was when she took up with an actual gay icon, for us boys (girls!!!!) who went back to the 1970s--none other than Mr. Jack Wrangler!!!!!
Jack was something of a character himself; son of the TV producer who gave us both children's Christian television (on which little Jack appeared) and "Bonanza" (as Jack paid homage to in the famous film--I can't remember the title, but who the Hell cares???--where he stretches out au naturel on bales of hay, and proceeds to give his member a solid beating!!!!!! What a tribute to "Bonanza," Jack!!!! Good thing we never saw Hoss (Dan Blocker) do that!!!!!!!!!
Jack's funniest performance, of course, was in the film classic, "The Flying Cocksuckers," whose premise was more funny than anything else. At a heliport in Manhattan, so the film went, men of such desires could pay a fee for a scenic copter ride over the city, while being serviced by Jack!!!!!!!! Personally, I would rather shop at Bergdorf's, but, then, that's me!!!!! But this film was so entertaining in a salacious way, and consummate Jack was professional every step of the way!!!!!!
Something must have clicked the first time Margaret and Jack met, because next thing she was attending his live shows!!!! Imagine--Mags and the Girls in the back, the Raincoat Boys down front doin' what comes nat'urally (at least in a porn palace!!!!), and a blossoming romance (minus sex) between Margaret and Jack. Good thing he had her; she had a head on her shoulders, and his head had been put through the wringer, not to mention he became so damn bowlegged he could hardly walk!!!!!!
But in a city where the unlikeliest romantic alliances form, Margaret and Jack stood out, even for this town!!!!!! With their 20 year age difference, it was thought she would predecease him, so he could at least take care of her, but Margaret proved herself as indomitable as ever, by outliving Jack!!!!!! And she was NEVER bowlegged!!!!!
We at the Raving Queen mourn the passing of Miss Whiting, a singer extraordinaire, and a true iconoclast when it came to human relations!!!!!!
Now run along, girls!!!! I know some of you need to look that word up in the Dictionary!!!!!!!!
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