Friday, February 11, 2011

Girls, Today Is An Anniversarium!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, darlings, it is February 11th, which means, first and foremost, it is the 153rd Anniversary of the Apparition of Our Lady Of Lourdes to St. Bernadette (Soubirous) which was depicted so brilliantly in the Jennifer Jones classic we watched the other day. This was the exact day when Bernadette saw the Vision, though it was actually on a Thursday, rather than a Friday. But, darlings, with my devotion to this film, Miss Jones and all things Lourdes, I could not let such an acknowledgement pass.

Sadly, today is another anniversary. It marks exactly one year--already??? can you believe it???--that my good friend, David Semonin, left this world. How many times this past year have I looked out on a crowd--in the street, on a subway--and seen someone whose gesture or appearance reminds me in some way of David? Don't tell me there are not ghosts out there, love, because there certainly are!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last night the Gay and Lesbian Reading Group convened to discuss A.S.Byatt's "The Children's Book," one of the best fictive works of the last ten years, which I pointed out. What a free for all! Most had not even finished the book or read it, and this one guy had the audacity to condemn it, having never read it, saying it had nothing to do with homosexuality!!!!!!!!!! Honey, let me tell you, one of the central characters, Tom Wellwood, happens to be such, and there are others popping in and out among the straights. So don't tell me, bitch!!!!!! This is a journey to an enchanted world, where one wants to disappear forever, amid tea cozies and comforters, and never leave!!!!!! I am telling you, believe me!!!!!!!!!!
I just want to stay in one place and read continuously, until I come to the end. This is going to be one tough book to follow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile, I have to mail my stuff out to Donna, we have the Uncle Ernest birthday celebration, which should be really interesting, what with this chippy, Enid, and I have to come up with some kind of talk for Sunday March 6, even if I have to wing it!!!!!!!!!!! Girls, I am telling you, we are so crammed with activity, as I am sure you are, so take a moment today to reflect on the Divinity (not Fudge, darlings!!!!!!!!!) of this day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remember--a good dose of Jennifer Jones cures all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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