Monday, February 28, 2011

Girls, Wasn't This The Most Delicious Thing At The Oscars?????????

Darlings, let me tell you, by the time you reach my age and/or range of show biz experience, watching the Academy Awards can become so jaded an event that who cares about the movies???? There were absolutely no surprises in the major categories, no controversy, save for that "Inside Job" guy who blasted corporate execs--and good for him!!!!!!!!--nothing like the days of men streaking nude onstage, or faux Indian Princesses walking on to denounce Oscar on behalf of others.

As Mary Hopkin said, Those Were The Days!!!!!!!!!

So it was a breath of fresh air, when the curtains parted, and out stepped Mr. Jake Gyllenhaal, and Miss Amy Adams, who showed everyone at once what true beauty is. Charm and graciousness itself, their presentations were the best of the evening. And didn't Jake, girls, look like a big, hot fudge sundae, you just wanted to lick???? I know I did--Mmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!! Miss Amy looked radiant as always, and her blue sequined gown set off that celebrated skin and hair superbly. Honey, if I could look this good in the morning, I could quit my day job!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course, Mr. Colin Furth looked pretty luscious himself in his tux, and weren't we happy for him being recognized at last for both the fine (and fine looking ) actor he has always been. And James Franco was looking pretty cute up there, himself; so much so I am thinking of breaking down my defenses and actually sitting through "127 Hours," which hopefully is not as excruciating as it sounds.

But, lambs, once upon a time the Academy Awards were about movies. Now it is about ogling those who stir us with their beauty and glamour. Maybe they stood out, because there was such a lack of it-- I mean, all that frou frou stuff, what were they thinking???? Leftovers from an MGM costume auction?????? I have better stuff than that hanging in my closet right now!!!!!!!!!!

Closet or not, these presenters mentioned all looked pretty fine!!!!!!! Now let's see Amy win an Oscar, rather than present one!!!!!!!!!!

Her time is coming, darlings!!!!!!!!!! Just ask Meryl!!!!!!!!!!!!

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