Sunday, February 27, 2011

Happy Birthday, Darlings To A Legend!!!!! Can You Believe It!!!!!!

Girls, it isn't often you get two pictures, but today I just cannot help it. Today happens to be the birthday of Shelley Plimpton, who turns the apocryphal age of 64 (celebrated in song by Lennon and McCartney), and who is looking damn good!!!!!

Now, I am certain that most of MY girls know, but for some who may just happen onto here, I have to answer--who is Shelley Plimpton??????

Well, most certainly she is most identifiable NOW as the Mother of actress Martha Plimpton, whom all us New York theater queens LOVE, and who can now be seen nationally having the time of her life, and raking in the dough, as White Trash housewife, Virginia, on the sitcom, "Raising Hope." We just LOVE Martha!!!!!!!

But there would be NO Martha, if not for Shelley!!!! And not just literally. For Shelley created a name for herself way back when, in the late Sixties, when she originated the role of Crissy in the musical "HAIR," and sang the classic song (and my favorite) "Frank Mills!!!!"

That is right, darlings. To those of us of a Certain Age, Shelley will forever be identified as "the-girl-who-sang-'Frank-Mills'-in 'Hair'". And she inspired me, as far back as those distant days of 1978, to stand in front of the Waverly Theater each evening on September 12th, often accompanied by my friend, Angela, to sing "Frank Mills" myself. Darlings, next to Shelley, I have done the most to promote this song, and let me tell you, when I do it, I manage to attain a quality of virginal innocence that I do not have any other time, I can tell you!!!!!

I still recall the year I was doing it, and in the middle of it, this homeless wino looked at me, looked at his bottle, tossed it, and ran!!!! I like to think I reformed an alkie; today, he is probably a Wall Street exec!!!!!!!

The only year I missed doing it, was in 2,001, and I am sure all MY girls can guess why!!!!!! But in Shelley's honor, I will be doing this for as long as I am able!!!!!

As my friend Angela and I have maintained, we have no doubt by now that Shelley knows about it!!!! How I would love to do it for her!!!!! Who knows; perhaps some day!!!!!!!

So, happy birthday, Shelley Plimpton, and many more!!!!! You are a true inspiration!!!!!!!!!

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