Friday, March 18, 2011

Darlings, The Natives Of Skull Island Are REAL Friendly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, let me tell you, with all the talk about Japan lately, and monsters on my mind, it behooves me to remind you there are some fabulous getaway vacation places. Now, Odo Island, the home of Gojira, is NUMBER ONE right now, but with all the nuclear radiation and such near there, it might not be a good idea to go. Until a sacrifice is found to appease the Monster.

Then there is Infant Island, where the two foot high girls live, and where they worship Mothra, with the native guy worshipping at the foot of the altar, as the rock cracks to reveal the symbol and the egg, which hatches!!!!!!!!! Wouldn't you want to see THAT reenacted, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is also Monster Island, where all the denizens of Japan go when they need a resort hideaway. I wouldn't advise going there, because it largely THEIR turf!!!!!!!!!!

But long before these, there was Skull Island, first revealed in "King Kong" back in 1933. Girls, this is the ideal vacation spot--from the water you can see the village and the wall and gate that keeps things out. And the Skull Mountain. It is truly architecturally stunning!!!!!!!!!

And, girls they make you feel SO welcome, there!!!!!!! I mean, before Civil Rights became an issue in the 1960s, Native Chief Noble Johnson and his Natives, were encouraging diversity; when they got a good look at Ann Darrow, they said, "Look at the Golden Woman," and right then the Soul Sister selected to be Kong's sacrificial bride was pushed aside in favor of racial integration. The Skull Island natives were ahead of the times, let me tell you!!!!!! Maybe that is why I have always wanted to go there. That, and to see the Spider Pit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They will show you a good time, girls!!!!!!! Sing and dance in your honor, carry and tie you to a pillar, where Kong will carry you off!!!!!!!!! Every gay man's fantasy, I always say!!!!!!!!! Racial equality reigned at Skull Island, at a time when it did not reign anywhere else. They did not HAVE to sing "We Shall Overcome," because, honey, they already had!!!!!!!!!!!!

So overcome that lack of adventure, girls, and make some exciting travel plans!!!!!!!!! The hosts out there are most congenial!!!!!!!!!!! And bring your bridal outfit, just in case!!!!!!!!!!

Walk down that Kong aisle, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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