Thursday, March 31, 2011

Girls, This Winner Was Practically Handed To Us!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, honestly, by this morning, I simply had no Bitch Of The Week!!!!! There was a candidate I had considered yesterday, but had to eliminate for good behavior. Then I watched last night's 'SVU' (see previous post) and was prepared to bestow the honor on Elaine Freye Cavanugh, the character portrayed by Lisa Banes in the episode "Totem." Fictional characters have been honored here before, and while "Totem" fell short of being one of the all-time great series episodes, this character ranked right up there with renowned 'SVU' femme fatales like Kate Burton as Annette Cole or Kelli Garner as Britany O'Malley. And for sheer evil, Elaine is outdone only by Isabella Hoffman as Charlotte Bayes in the 2003 "Cold Case" episode, "Churchgoing People."

Then I got wind that this episode was based on a real life case, and I sought to find out who that was, and voila I found the winner.

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch OF The Week Award is Melissa Huckaby!!!!!!!!!!!!


No, lambs, not Joan Rivers' daughter!!!!!!!!!! Listen up!!!!!!!!!!

On March 27, 2009, in Tracy, California--a town I know well, darlilngs, thanks to relations I had in the Sixties living nearby in Banta-- an eight- year-old girl named Sandra Cantu went missing. On April 6, her body, tossed into a suitcase, was found in a watery ravine, not far from the town. On April 10, Melissa Huckaby, a 28 year-old volunteer Sunday school teacher, with an unstable marraige, history of mental illness and a history of unsavory relations with men, was aarrested, and ultimately admitted to murdering and raping the child. This involved drugging her with anxiety meds, taking her to the church, which her grandfather was minister of(!!!!!), violating her with a rolling pin, and strangling her noose-like with some fabric!!!!!!!!!!!!


To make matters worse, she claims she has no idea why she did it. Theorists have pointed to Munchauser by Proxy syndrome, wanting to be the center of attetnion herself, and to prevent Melissa from telling parents or authorities about the molestation.

Well, too bad, Melissa, becasue you were found out anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!

She was tried, found guilty and given Life Imprisonment Without Parole. I wonder if she is in San Quentin???????? She should have been given the Death penalty, just like Susan Hayqard in "I Want To Live!" Gas this bitch right now!!!!!!!

At least that other child murdress bitch, Susan Smith, had a comprehensible reason--the man she thought would marry her made it clear he did not want to provide for her children, and she thought that by eliminating them she could have him!!!!!!!!!!! Well, she got her, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, Tracy is a saomewhat respectable community, and the townspeople were shocked by this. Though they should not have been, becasue Melissa was White Trash (is ther any other kind, darlings????) living in the trash section of town. and she had known Sandra, because her own daughter used to play with her!!!!!!! Sick!!!!!!!!!!

Now, Elaine in 'SVU' was strictly Upper Crust, which means more presentable, if no less reprehensible. Sickos come from all strata, loves. But how could Melissa be overlooked as Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!! Already she is looking good as one of the worst of this year!!!!!!!!! And we have 'SVU' to thank for it!!!!!!!!!!!

And thaks to all my girls out there!!!!!!!!!!!

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