Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Girls, To Think It Has Been 48 Years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Honestly, darlings, I simply cannot believe nearly a half century has passed since I made my First Holy Communion. What a day--my poor beleaguered parents trying to get me into the car, as I did not want to go because Channel 9 that Saturday morning (it was held on a Saturday) was showing "Godzilla" on "Super Adventure Theatre," which I had been dying to see for the past two years. I mean, it has "GOD" in it, so I thought it was OK!!!!!!!!! But this would not do, so off I went.

Then in the pew, I was seated next to Ricky Brown, who was one of the Browns, one of the lowest from Goat Alley--our town's Wrong Side Of The Tracks!!!!!!!!!! Back in those days, you could not eat anything from dinner on--I think you could only drink water to keep from dehydration-- until you received the Host!!!!!!! I mean, it was like a colonoscopy, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I had no problem with this, but apparently, Ricky did, though, I think, being from Goat Alley, he had gone without eating much longer than that. So, during the Benediction, which took place after Communion, he turned, kneeling in his pew seat, and threw up all over it, right next to me!!!!!!!!!! Darlings, you have no idea how disgusting this was to my more refined North Side sensibilities.

Things happened so fast--a nun emerged out of nowhere, grabbing him, and marching him out of sight into the vestibule, presumably, I thought, to be tortured!!!!!!! Then another came in and spread green incense over the vomit, till it looked like a fresh grave mound. I had to get through the next ten minutes of Mass, with this next to me, and me staring at it, knowing full well, what was underneath.

So my Communion was memorable, though hardly the Divine experience I was expecting. "The Song Of Bernadette" was certainly better than this!!!!!!!!!!! But each March 16, I remember this event, wonder what happened to Ricky Brown, and how I might commemorate the 50th anniversary. Time will tell, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God does NOT like ugly, girls!!!!!!!! So make sure you wear your best when going before the altar!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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