Thursday, April 14, 2011

Girls, Let's Start The Day With A Birthday Tribute!!!!!

Darlings, today happens to be the birthday of our "Darling," Julie Christie!!!! Or so I found out this morning. Well, everyone has a birthday, but you can imagine how astonished I was to find that Miss Christie today turns the ripe old age of....70!!!!!!!!!

Lara is 70??????????????????

You better believe it, girls!!!! Let me tell you, it was astonishing enough to me nine years ago to see Julie playing Granny in "Finding Neverland." To think of her now playing grandmothers!!!!! But she did it with so much glamour and aplomb, she made being Granny look good!!!!! In fact, you could not ask for a better looking Grandmother than Julie Christie.

And now she has reached 70!!!!!!! And has set new standards for that age. When I was small, darlings, 70 used to signify slowing down, being white haired, and sitting in a rocking chair. Hell, my father turns 96 in 16 days, and he doesn't even do that!!!!!! So Miss Christie is still young by comparison, and I have no doubt if she reaches 100, it will set new glam standards.

So a Happy Birthday wish to Miss Julie Christie!!!!! Have plenty of champagne and cake on hand. Maybe red Velvet. Or Angel Food--frosted Pink!!!!!!

Lick the bowl, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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