Thursday, April 21, 2011

Girls, Our Top Story Of The Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually, darlings, this story broke yesterday, and, considering its concern is an ultimate act of spying, how ironically apropos for Spy Wednesday!!!!!!!

Tyler Clementi is in the news again. Only the spin this time is a bit more positive.

Yesterday, his ex-roommate, Dahrun Ravi, was handed a 15 count indictment, being prosecuted not just for privacy invasion but also--YES!!!-- a hate crime!!!!!!

Can you believe it, loves????? I honestly thought they would not have the courage to hand this out. It just shows how Clementi's untimely, unnecessary demise, reached out and touched so many people.

Additionally, he is charged with witness tampering, trying to cover up evidence, and intimidation due to sexual orientation. The Middlesex County prosecutor, Bruce Kaplan, stated that it was found the trouble began as soon as Ravi learned the name of his roommate.

Which goes back to a month before Clementi's death, when Ravi messaged to all his cronies, "Just found out my roommate is gay," granted a blanket statement, but placed in context, having negative connotations, granting Ravi the idea he could intimidate Tyler through his sexual orientation.

Well, Mr. Ravi, what do you think of yourself now????? And how do you think others will?????? Read my lips--actions have consequences!!!! Forget Rutgers, honey; the education you are about to get will be more enlightening.

Joseph and Jane Clementi, Tyler's parents, delivered their strongest statement yet, citing Ravi's actions against their son as "cold and calculated." They also hope the outcome will result in more social acceptance, to avoid future tragedies like this. Amen to that!!!!!!!

I want to thank all my girls for standing by Tyler and moi. From the first day, The Raving Queen was compelled to go to this very dark place, marching, protesting, and voicing concern. In no way, lambs, am I taking credit for these results, but it is refreshing and affirming they were handed down.

What it does not do is solve the mystery of Tyler's death, or, rather, his decision. From indications yesterday, Tyler Clementi was out to his parents, meaning he confronted these issues with his family before Rutgers. Brave boy, Tyler. How many of us could say the same??? Not me, darlings!!!!!!!!!!

So the family was supportive. Then why do it? I would still like to know his health history--was he on or off meds that may have pushed him psychotronically to this tragic end? Those final 15 hours, between trying to do something about the situation, and jumping off the bridge, are still an open window.

Or perhaps the reason is simpler. However out he may have been, he certainly would not want to share his sexual actions with his parents. Think about it--parents getting embarrassed by their small children walking in on them; the same sort of thing here. I am sure both Tyler and the Clementis knew if he was gay, he would be sexually active. They may even have discussed the importance of safe sex practices. But Tyler, naturally enough, did not want to be seen this way, nor I am sure would his parents. Ravi took away that freedom from Tyler, which may have been enough to get him to that tragic point.

We may never know. Or we may be able to deduce, as new things come to the fore. They have already, since this started.

And what of Rutgers University? Tyler did try to take action, I believe he wanted a new roommate. He was in a bind; only on campus three weeks, and rather shy, he very likely had no one with whom he could crash before this blew over, which might have made a difference. The school did not act fast enough, and Tyler was pushed to the brink.

I am so happy about this outcome, as it sends a message loud and clear--that actions such as this are intolerable an inexcusable. But I cannot help feeling that what would make me happier now would have been never to have heard of Tyler Clementi.
Because then he would still be out there, living his life!!!!!

And that's the way it IS, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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