Monday, April 11, 2011

Girls, Some Days Will Never Be The Same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remember that old song, darlings???????? Or was it "Sundays will never be the same?" It may just as well have been in my case. I guess some out there are badly in need of a Miss Porter seminar. Well, they may just get one!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday eve, Monsieur and I rushed back to the city, and my place, because we were going to spend the night there, in preparation for my book group meeting I was hosting. Now, as far as I knew, I was expecting, seven people. I wound up with three.

Now, before I get to that, let me say that Monsieur and I cleaned and scrubbed. Monsieur especially knocked himself out, which is why I love him dearly, and which is why I suppose I feel more hurt by this than I should. I had sent out my invitations midweek, with instructions and phone numbers, and Steve promptly informed me he would be not be in attendance due to his being in San Francisco this weekend. Probably to sit in the art museum, like Kim Novak in "Vertigo," darlings.

So Monsieur and I planned for seven people. We spent over $100. Early in the say, two called to cancel. Again, no problem. Now, with three still coming, plus Monsieur, we were down to five. Fine. As I do not have access to a computer on the weekends, save for my neighborhood Internet cafe, which by the way I checked two hours before, to no avail, I had every reason to assume there would be three others beside Monsieur and myself. Thank God for Judy, because she turned out to be the only attendee. The other two I simply never heard from that day, and did not hear till this morning, where they sent me an email at a time past when I could check online that day, and this after being given my phone numbers.

Now, darlings, not everyone can be a graduate of Miss Porter's, or Princess lee Radizwill. But a course in Emily Post is badly needed. You know that Grace Codington is coming out with a new book????? I cannot WAIT, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe I should assign it next time, with hair examinations, and exercises in deportment.

It will be a long time before this hostess Hosts. Meantime, I am going to try and finish up Philp Roth's ONLY truly brilliant book, "American Pastoral" and try to contemplate who could play Merry in a movie today.

If only I had gone to Tomahawk Lake,when I had the chance!!!!!!!!!!!

See you at the beach, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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