Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Girls, We Cannot Wait To See THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, I am telling you, you have to give the "Law And Order" makers credit. Because, along with everyone else, they are going to take on "Spider Man-Turn Off The Dark."

It seems the "Criminal Intent" division of L and O, entering its tenth, and they say final, season, is going to do an episode based on this. Now, first, let me say, I will be sorry to see this show go. I love Kathryn Erbe's toughness, but likability, and I will miss each week monitoring Vincent D'Onofrio's weight. I can still recall that indie film he made several years back, "Staten Island," where he does a protest sitting in a tree house; at no time is it explained how he got up there for the shoot, and down once it was completed, but I am certainly willing to bet it was not under his own power!!!!!!!! Even so, Vinnie is kinda cute, and we will miss him.

But the season will be capped off by an episode concerning a troubled Broadway musical, entitled "Icarus". It seems one of the actors doing a stunt is killed, and foul play is suspected. Chief among the suspects is this high strung egocentric director, based on guess who, Miss Taymor? If they really want to get it right, make sure the actor/actress playing this role can cry on cue, which is what I hear Miss T pretty much does in order to get what she wants. Well, like the song says, who's sorry now????

This is going to be something, and I think they should camp it up all the way! The director should be played by Sylvia Miles, who I am sure would jump at the chance. There is also going to be a (gasp!!!!!) bisexual rock star composer (is there any other, loves???) and some kind of twist I am sure.

As one who actually saw the source show in question, let me say they are certainly making the most of beating an already dead horse. Whatever happens ultimately to the show--and I think they should pack it in right now!--it will help grind the publicity mill, carving out a spot in the history books as the most previewed, never opened, costly and least innovative flop in Broadway history.

I think the perp should turn out to be a frustrated theater queen (again, is there any other?) And guess who would just LOVE a crack at this role, darlings?????????? I could walk through it with my eyes closed. Maybe do a little "Les Miz" or "Anything Goes" on cue, to liven things up.

It looks like "Criminal Intent" is going to be livened up by these Spidey-based shenanigans!!!!!! Don't miss it, loves!!!!!!!!! The episode, I mean; the show you can forget!!!!!!!!!!!

Will Liza turn up???????? As Dorothy Parker said, "I wouldn't be at all surprised!!!!!!"

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