Tuesday, May 24, 2011

...........And On A More Serious Note, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Honey, I have been around the block, I understand the assets and pitfalls of our judicial system, and the concept of everyone innocent till proven guilty. But, as my girls on here know, I make no secret of this fact.

I DESPISE Dahrun Ravi.

As if there wasn't already enough to despise him for. Now, Steve Altman, his sleazoid lawyer, who looks as though he might have a heart attack any minute, has had the audacity of entering--on behalf of his client-- a "Not Guilty" plea.

Can you believe it???????????????

All this took place yesterday at the world famous Middlesex County Court House in New Brunswick, which I drove past on Saturday. Now, on one level, a lawyer, once a case is taken, is obligated to give that client the best defense possible, so to a degree I realize Altman is simply doing his job.

But what bothers me more is this. When I look at Altman, I see a smugness, suggesting a belief that not only will he win, but that his client truly IS not guilty!!!!!! Even worse, though not surprising, is when I look at Ravi, I see smug arrogance, convinced of the same two things.

It is clear to me. Dahurn Ravi thinks he has done no wrong.

You know what that makes him, girls??????? A sociopath!!!!!!!!!!!!

IF he gets off, not only will I be outraged--and Heaven help when the Raving Queen gets that!!!!!! It will send a message that Tyler Clement's existence was invalid, because he is somehow less than for being gay, while Ravi is more, because he is straight. That is clearly the attitude I see projected by Ravi. That he can sit in a courtroom and look the Clementis in the face without a trace of sorrow or remorse shows a monstrous lack of empathy. It shows that to a degree Dahrun Ravi is a danger to society.

Frankly, I agree with one commentator--Grease his butt, and send him up the river!!!!!! That might be the only thing he would learn from!!!!!!!

But short of him being convicted, I could care less about Ravi. My concern is for the Clementis, for whom this must be a living Hell, which they did not ask for, and which they have handled with such aplomb. My heart goes out to them. And to the soul of Tyler, for whom I will not stop fighting for justice!!!!! If Ravi gets off, rest assured there is a Higher Reckoning that will deal with him ultimately!!!!!!!! It is just that in the face of a non-conviction, the world will look like an even more difficult place for potential future Tylers.

What was that slogan years ago???? "Stop the Madness?" I invoke it again here! The eyes of the world are on how America handles the Tyler Clementi case. I pray it does not let either Tyler or his family down!!!!!!!!!

There can be only one kind of justice--a justice that will allow Dharun Ravi to truly come to terms with the horror of what he did. There may be no cure for sociopathty, but there is PUNISHMENT!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I wish Dostoevsky and Dreiser were around for this!!!!! They would have a field day!!!!!!!!! Instead, you have me!!!!!! I will continue to do my best!!!!!!!!!!!

As we all must for Tyler and the Clemetis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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