Monday, May 23, 2011

Darlings, Here Is How I Start My Day Every Morning!!!!!

OK, now that I have your attention, a few odds and ends.

The next day, I called my sister and told her what I have just recorded, and she added something to the mix. There is this Big Yellow Mansion, on Harrison Avenue, with lots of land, a well, straight out of Tennessee Williams. And its fictitious history is as famous as anything.

As a child, my friend Dougie, and I, would claim the house was haunted, and that on Friday nights at midnight, Mothra would fly in to town and hold a convocation of All Monsters. This was during my monster movie phase!!!!!!

By the time "The Waltons" showed up on TV, I was convinced the two sisters who lived there were named "Baldwin!"

According to Paul, who drove us there, their names were "Borden"--like Lizzie!!!!! I mean, how appropriate.

And I was sure they manufactured some kind of alcoholic recipe!!!!!!

My sister told me the Sisters' name was "Conover," and they were related to Charlotte Mulder. Now, Charlotte was the wife of (let's call him) Jimmy Mulder, whose parents, Mr. Mulder and his wife, Gertrude, were big in HP's Reformed Church, where my sister went. In fact, Mr. Mulder was the Pastor!!!! His wife, who later shortened her name to True, became a librarian at the high school. She was there in my day, and she was quite a scold!!!! A real witch, second only to Mrs. Santamarina!!!!!! Well, Jimmy married Charlotte Hughes, who lived over on one of the President Streets--Grant, I think--so the Sisters are either Jimmy's or Charlotte's aunts. With my association to Jimmy's witchy mother that gives me another six degrees to them!!!! I bet if you did a genetic breakdown, you would find out everyone in Highland Park is somehow related to everyone else!!!!!!

Wouldn't that be something? It would. So before we close the book for now on Highland Park, let me throw out a personal, Little Rascals reference to Mary Anne--

Remember when we would shake each other and say, You shall die on the horns of the sacred Bull! Then bring on the sacred Bull!!!!"

Like the saying goes, dears, you can't make this stuff up!!!!!!!!


  1. Oh, but of COURSE I remember! And that sacred bull was none other than Officer Kennedy in a tattered t-shirt and bull costume, I believe! Am I right??

  2. Right On Target!!!!!!! I had forgotten the character's name, but I can picture him very clearly!!!!!!
