Thursday, May 26, 2011

Darlings, There Is Just No Limit To This Man's Hubris!!!!!!!!!

It's Bitch Of The Week time, girls, Thursday again, and up till shortly ago, I was ready to give Ben Brantley the award, for his comments regarding the Kennedy Center's production of the great Sondheim musical "Follies" (my favorite!!!) now being done there. And then I came across something in the Books section, and the minute I read it, I knew I had my winner.

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is........Chester Brown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not a household name, to be sure, or destined to become one. But Mr. Brown is earning a limited name for himself, for a time, with his newly published book, entitled "Paying For It."

Mr. Brown is a 51-year-old Toronto based cartoonist, whose latest book is a graphic novel, chronicling a lifestyle that he seems to be a bit too proud of--he sleeps with prostitutes!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, frankly, I don't care who or what he sleeps with. Or anyone else for that matter. I don't judge. But his abundant sense of pride in this fact, and his rationalizations for doing so, make me question whether he is wrapped tightly or not.


Mr. Brown said he took on this lifestyle, after a series of wrong relationships with women. Honey, maybe it was the women who were wrong for you!!!! Or maybe, dear, you don't know how to conduct yourself, during such. This shows he has some issues already. But to project these to the world so blatantly, suggest an ego of unlimited size. Not even the aforementioned Philip Roth has gone this far; he lets his ficitional characters do it for him.

"I'm very far from being sad or lonely," he says. Then why mention this, at all? Methinks the gentleman doth protest too much.

"I have never caught an STD," he claims. Oh, really????? Well, maybe????
But how does the saying go, "If you go to the barber shop, sooner or later, you get a haircut?"

"I haven't been arrested, I haven't lost my career, and my friends and family haven't rejected me," he asserts. Well, good for them!!!!!!!!!! As for not being arrested, he is not high profile enough, like Elliot Spitzer, he has been incredibly lucky, or maybe he has the luxury of being able to afford the higher priced gals, in which case he does a disservice to those unfortunate souls seeking solace this way who can't afford such, and have to go lower, and with more risk involved. It is like he is thumbing his nose at them, and everyone else.

Then comes the topper--"The romantic love ideal is actually evil." Oh, yeah?????? Bitch, who are you to judge??????? You are 51, honey, and while you are no Chris Meloni, if you weren't such a sleaze, you might stand a chance with someone, if you kept at it. Don't go deriding those of us who believe the ideal, and are quite satisfied with it. Your bliss, dear, lasts as long as your orgasm. And let me tell you, you are getting in your fifties, and those orgasms are going to be harder and harder to attain. Heaven help you if you have a prostate problem, because, then, oh boy!!!!!!! Your chippies, who are on the clock, anyway, are not going to have the patience for your services anymore, and then what will you do?????????

Gloat all you want, you self-righteous bitch, because it won't last. Sooner or later, something will have to give. Maybe Mr. Brown will write about that. It would be more satisfying than what he has written now. Meanwhile, for sheer ego, gall, and subjugation of women in general, you can't beat Chester Brown. He is a great bitch. No wonder he is this week's winner.

He needs to watch "Fatal Attraction," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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