Monday, May 23, 2011

Darlings, You Can't Go Home Again, Nor Can You Run Away From The Past!!!!!!!!

Girls, this was a lesson 30 years in the learning, but the experience was worth it. After a long interval of twenty years, I reunited with Margaret and her sister, Mary Anne. And after an even longer interval, with their youngest sibling, Paul, who is so grown up since I last saw him, that I would not recognize him.

The day began with Monsieur and I taking that bus ride out to New Brunswick. Would you believe a round trip tkt is now $18.55???? Darlings, back in the 1970's, when I began my theater going, it was $2.60!!!!!!!!!! The Suburban Transit buses, which used to be orange and black, are now white, with a touch of red and blue--so American it would just melt the heart of Anita Bryant!!!!!! But the route was EXACTLY the same--I could sense it, even with my eyes closed. We arrived in New Brunswick, stepped off the bus, and, honey, I am telling you, it was like when Judy Garland opened that door, and stepped out into Munchkinland. Now, this was no spectacular Technicolor MGM dream, but what WAS eerie, in a dreamlike way, was how Time had seemed to stand still--the train station, despite a paint and touch-up job, looked virtually the same. For a second, I was feeling like James Daly in the "Twilight Zone" story--"A Stop At Willoughby!!!!" Was I dead?????? Only the facts I was in my fifties, had survived this environment, and was with the charming Monsieur, told me otherwise.

We sat and waited, the sunlight beamed down, it was gorgeous. I have to personally thank God for cooperating with us, weather wise. Shortly thereafter, Margaret made her entrance, and what an entrance this was!!!!!

Driving a very classy looking white convertible (Monsieur knew the make, but you know I forget those butch things, darling!!!!), her tousled raven hair flowing in the breeze, she was like Dorothy Malone as May Lee in "Written On The Wind." And like May Lee, Margaret looked svelte enough to fit into a pair of toreador pants!!!!!
When Monsieur and I got into the car, I thought we would sail through the sky!!!!
Instead, we parked in an enclosed lot, with Paul in front of us, honking. When I laid eyes on him, to paraphrase the song "Fancy", I discovered an adult man, where once a half grown kid had stood!!!!!! Amazing!!!! And thank God for moisturizer, because everyone recognized me!!!!!!

We entered a dining establishment, next to a corner park, that was smaller in my time, but had now grown larger. The establishment was called Old Rafferty's, and waiting for us there was Mary Anne!!!! I want to tell you, the Princess Has Awakened, like Elizabeth Taylor in "A Place In The Sun." Looking barely out of her twenties, she had on the most spectacular violet dress that I just know was Oscar de la Renta, plus a necklace I am sure she had delivered to her from Van Cleef and Arpels in New York. But, then, Mary Anne is making high powered financial deals in the City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia (where Blythe Danner came from, via the Main Line, of course!!!!!).

To think so much time had passed, and here we were, proof we had survived. I couldn't believe Paul still remembered "Trashville," the Altman spoof I had written in the Seventies. I had forgotten about Mary Anne bringing the portable TV out onto the front porch to watch old movies. Not to mention on my porch playing games (like "Go To The Head Of The Class", where, yes, girls, I ALWAYS had to be Bonnie!!!! Why didn't I realize...oh well!!!!) Thanks to technology, names and images from the past were evoked--Judy Meseroll; oh, my God! so adult, and no front fingers in her mouth!!!!

No wonder she was hard to spot. And Cindy Miller, that little snit, looking more like her brother, Cary, than ever, but also has this look about her that suggests she likes to imbibe unlimited!!!! Like Sharon Buck (whose sister, Linda, was in my class, with the rumor persisting that she (Linda) dealt drugs, while Sharon, two years behind us, did the most spectacular performance of "Let's Step Out" in the HPHS production of "Anything Goes." Wonder if Sharon has seen the new Sutton Foster revival????) with her vodka in tandem with her soccer Mom image!!!! To think that Mary Anne still has that parody of "The Twelve Days Of Christmas" I wrote for her years ago!!! Honestly, until she first mentioned it, I had forgotten it!!!!! One of the best stories that day was of Paul flicking matches behind the couch, with folks sitting on it, unaware of a thing, setting it on fire, and then being chased out the door and onto the street by Michael Loughney!!!!!! That must have been something!!!!!!!!

I think Monsieur was just aghast at all the outpouring of memories and names.

One small caveat. Darling, I am from New York where Bloody Marys are robust. The one here you could have served at a children's birthday party. I am sure Sharon Buck would have sent it right back!!!!! As I told Mary Anne, you have to come to the Riviera Cafe, where they are the best in town.

Now pay attention to those last three words. Because I used to direct them at their brother, Jimmy (now in Michigan) who back then could cuss a blue streak like it was nobody's business. He was so good at it, I wanted to take lessons. From what went down, with Jimmy now, I am surprised he does not have his own televangelical show (remember the Reverend Jimmy Joe Jeeter on "Mary Hartman?"), and would probably blush scarlet at the mention of such words. He couldn't handle New York, honey!!!!!

Scarlett--which brings me back full circle to Margaret, who was the embodiment of Scarlett 0'Hara, and with all she has accomplished still is!!!!! The Fire Of Life burns brightly in her, just like it did with Scarlett. Only Margaret has put all that fire to better use than Scarlett, who caused a lot of unhappiness in her wake!!!!! Not so with Margaret!!!!!!

In fact, Margaret had to leave first, having domestic obligations. She was so generous in paying for us all, and let it be known, Monsieur and I will return the favor when she comes to NYC. Ditto, Mary Anne and Paul. Who stayed on, and what happened after that.....

This is a first, darlings!!!! A Two-Part blog post!!!!! You've heard about what happened in New Brunswick!!!!! Now, stay tuned to find out what happened in Highland Park!!!!!

Like Scarlett returning to Tara, lambs!!!!!!!

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