Monday, May 9, 2011

Girls, This Is The Most Romantic Dining Spot In Town!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, each time I have visited One If By Land, Two If By Sea, I have not been dissatisfied. The cozy, darkly lit red curtained interiors of what used to be Alexander Hamilton's carriage house is matched only by the most delectable cuisine. So when Monsieur asked me where I wanted to go for our anniversary, I had no problem making a decision. It was Sunday, and we figured we would go for the brunch, being that it is not only good, comes with excellent Bloody Marys, but is actually very reasonable for a high end place. But this being Mother's day, the management had something else in mind. When they called Monsieur Saturday to confirm our reservation, they said don't eat too much for breakfast, because, in honor of Mother's Day, the brunch was actually a four course meal. They trotted out the best items on their regular menu, and offered them up for this special day.

And a good thing they told us, because, honey, I couldn't eat a thing the rest of the day.

We were ensconced in this romantic corner, in a cozy, red banquette. Our movie mad waiter (I cannot remember his name, but he was SO sweet, and you better believe he got a nice tip!!!!! Though he should have known who Yvette Vickers was!!!!) started us with some delicious Bloody Marys. Well, one sip, and I knew Monsieur was done!!!!! Me, I trained with JUDY (Garland, girls), which means I can sing and hold my liquor. But, then, I only drink maybe two drinks a month, compared to JUDY, who gulped two every half hour!!!!!!!

Those Bloody Marys sure were tasty!!!!!!!

We then moved on to the first course. I had a lovely, light platter of pickled vegetables--not too sweet or tart--while Monsieur had a luscious garlic bisque soup, with a ricotta flan. The amazing thing was it was not a bit garlic-y!!!!!!

Moving on, I had the standard market salad, while Monsieur had the tuna tratare, which even I have to say was scrumptious. Of course, lambs, we nibbled on the other's selection.

Our main course was united; we both ordered the sirloin steak strips, with roasted carrots, beets and parsnips in a Bearnaise sauce, with the lightest, fluffiest onion rings I have ever seen. Once you have had these, forget the diner!!!!!

On to coffee and dessert. The coffee met my standards, while the dessert almost did us both in. Monsieur went for the strawberry basil ice cream sandwiches, with basil ice cream sandwiched between cornmeal cookies. I went for the black forest composition, with a cream on top, and chocolate cherry cake underneath. Like eating a gigantic custard or pudding.

We didn't even tell our waiter we were celebrating an anniversary, but he must have sensed something because he offered us a free after dinner liqueur. We both chose Bailey's over ice, and, after the meal, the Bloody Mary, the obligatory red wine with the meal, I did feel like JUDY at the Palace.

I am sure we will return here another time. Another plus--the dress is business casual, which means no jackets and ties for guys. Mammy doesn't have to lace me into a corset for this place. Though by the end of the meal, I felt more like Aunt Pittypat.

Remember to take your hat boxes, when the war comes, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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