Monday, May 2, 2011

Girls, This Is Simply Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, in connection with the "Chorus Line" viewing Saturday night was my father's birthday. Because of that apocryphal viewing on October 25, 1975, I chose April 30, as a birthday tribute to my father, who, two days ago, reached the grand old age of 96!!!!!!!!! Where he still resides by himself in Vero Beach, Florida, drives a car, cooks, cleans, reads, does crosswords, and works one day a week at his parish gift shop!!!!!!!!! I just pray he makes it through the next four years, to the Century mark, when, I promise, there will be a party of parties, with Go-Go boys and all!!!!!!!!

So many things my father went through with moi--too crazy to mention!!!!!!!! But two stand out, beside "Chorus Line"--sitting with me, back in 1970, through the documentary "Woodstock," at the RKO International 70 in New Brunswick, (I was too young to get in myself) even though it offended him politically and artistically. And the 1976 Midnight (till 3am) viewing of Robert Altman's "Nashville" at the Fox Theatre in Woodbridge, New Jersey. I have no idea if, in the intervening years, he has seen 'Rocky Horror,' but I would not be surprised!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you can bet he could do the Time Warp!!!!!!!!! Probably with more energy than I!!!!!!!!!!

96 never looked so good!!!!!!!!!!! So me and my Girls wish you a Happy 96th Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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