Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Darlings, June Is Busting Out All Over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, can you believe it is actually June the first???? That when this month ends, we will already be halfway through 2011? Seems like yesterday I was hovering with Monsieur in our snowbound Village enclave, watching the ball drop. And now.......

This month is going to be a busy one for this girl, darlings. More birthdays than in any other, not to mention Father's Day. The Mermaid Parade in Coney Island, another halfway indicator for the year. And what promises to be a fabulous trip to the Big Easy--New Orleans--to see not only my niece receive her third Newberry Honor Award, but a week of relaxation and Southin' hospitality. By the time we return, I should feel like Rue McClanahan!!!!!!!!!

So get set to blast off this month. Not to mention Gay Pride, which because of the above, I will miss this year. Nevertheless, my girls can celebrate the Pride of Being Gay the entire month, not just on Pride Sunday!!!!!!

Let me tell you, loves, Judy Collins was right--Who Knows Where The Time Goes?

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