Saturday, June 4, 2011

Darlings, What A Day I Hadf!!!! And Then My Beauty Routine!!!!!!

Girls, I am telling you, that household scene is definitely not for me!!!!!!
Here I was, stuck inside my apartment all day, fraught with anxiety, moving from chair to chair, and book to book I was reading, waiting anxiously for the delivery of the air conditioner and the brand new pink (what other color, girls???) vacuum cleaner. I managed to finished Jennifer Egan's overrated "A Visit From The Goon Squad," which I cannot believe won both the Pulitzer Prize AND the National Book Award last year, and was on the New York Times' Ten Best Books List Of 2010. I mean, gag me with a spoon!!!!!!!!!!

So there I was, continuing merrily on my way through "All The King's Men" (my at-home book) and starting a pleasurable reread of Nicole Krauss' brilliant, "The History Of Love," while waiting for the delivery people to show up. After awhile, this routine gets really tired.

The day is endless, darlings! There is no blizzard to keep you snuggled indoors, so you want to get outside, even if you are just going to read a book, anyway. But you have to stay by the phone, in case they call, which is never early enough to suit you; suffice it to say things got done, but not till 4:45 in the very late afternoon!!!!! A whole day gone!!!!!!!!!!

Then Monsieur came over to look things over, try out the AC (how comfortable!) and tend to things in general. The Raving Queen was reassured, girls!!!!!!!!!
but there were still some surprises in store!!!!!!!!!!

Let me tell you, lambs, when more than one person inhabits a space, there can never be enough bathrooms!!!!! Do you know how difficult it is to do my routine, which includes moisturizing, deodorizing AND accessorizing, when someone else is in the same space????? This is why every residence needs more than one bathroom!!!!!! Forget French Imperial; you just need the space!!!!!!!!!!!

The capper was no sign of my work ID, which of course sent me into a tizzy. Monsieur suggested maybe I left it in one of the to-be-laundered shirts, and sure enough, when I picked it up, he was right!!!!!!! Why do I question these things????
I have to learn--for domestic matters, stick to HIM, and for all socio-cultural matters, darlings, stick with MOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Make sure you are at your freshest when you leave home, today, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!

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