Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dinner At Antoine's,Darlings!!!!!!!

Girls,now I want you to pay close attention to the bar above, as it has some bearing on the topic at hand. In the Highland Park, NJ house,where I grew up, my parents had many unusual books, one of which was "Dinner At Antoine's" by Frances Parkinson Keyes. Now, I discovered this book long before I made it to adult fiction,but I did manage to glean that Antoine's was mot only a restaurant in New Orleans, it was THE restaurant in New Orleans!!! As you opened the book, right before the title page was this beautiful color plate of patrons eating in the dining room there, and it looked the height of all the elegance my childhood dreams could concoct and desire. I vowed someday I would dine there. And once I transitioned to adult fiction, and read "Gone With The Wind," where Scarlett and Rhett go to New Orleans on their honeymoon, and presumably dined at Antoine's,since it opened in 1840, I was bound and determined.

My dream came true in 1996, when I did dine there, but what I want to talk about is NOW.

Through a chain of unexpected circumstances, here I am in New Orleans again, this time with the lovely and charming Monsieur Davide, who is enjoying his initial visit to the Big Easy. Well, last night we dined at Antoine's, where we were attended to by Darrell, and what a meal we had.

I started with an Antoine Salade, which had a scrumptious dressing, palm hearts, artichokes...it was so yummy, girls, you just HAD to be there. My Main Course was a Chicken Rochambeau with Bearnaise Sauce, ...heavenly, accompanied by an order of glazed carrots, which we shared, and also Antoine's classic potato puffs, which look like fries, but are lighter than air.

Monsieur was a little more venturous. He started with the classic Oysters Rockefeller--a MUST if you have never been to Antoine's, and a cup of gumbo soup.
His Main course was Trout with a Crabmeat stuffing, and by meal's end, we were doing just fine.

I had been drinking enough already, so we contented ourselves this eve with tap water, and the House Wine Of The South--Iced Tea!!!!! But it was desert that finished us both. Since this was Monsieur's first visited I capitulated to the classic Baked Alaska, which is decorated to a fare thee well, is scrumptious as anything you will taste, but is SO rich--especially after an Antoine's meal--that one simply can't get all of it down, though I did my best!!!!! And THIS, girls was capped off the by the showstopping Cafe Brulot Diabolique, which is coffee served in three quarter cups, with the Devil's picture on them. The chicory coffee is poured into a chafing dish laced with brandy and cinnamon sticks, set aflame, and even our table flames a little, and then spooned into cups. Honey, after two cups of this, I practically had to be carried back to the hotel. Which was when I was almost accosted by one of the Little Darlings, peeking out of the doorway on Bourbon Street.

I can personally tell you, it was straight to bed for us, lambs!!!!! And this following a two hour Ghost Tour Of The Garden District, where we saw everything from Anne Rice's house. the Mayfair Witches burial ground, houses haunted by the spirits of deceased children, and an exclusive girls' school, the Southern equivalent of Miss Porter's, where you know I could teach elocution and deportment to these debutante wannabes, whom I am sure badly need it.

Our tour guide, an older lady named Katie, was charming and gracious, and very informed on all thing paranormal in the Garden District. We just adored her. And, of course, I had to pop into the Garden District Book Shop, and buy a couple of volumes.

Darlings, it was quite a day. But I am telling you, when here you MUST dine at Antoine's!!!!! It is everything you have heard about, and all true!!!!!!

Now, today we go to Galatoire's, which is where the Mayfairs always dine, where Stella took Blanche on her first night,if you know "A Streetcar Named Desire!"

Honey, this is the town to satisfy ALL desires!!!! So look out!

Until tomorrow, girls!!!!!

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