Monday, June 20, 2011

Dream Awhile, Scheme Awhile, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, girls, it was just about as perfect a weekend as could be hoped, the kind you wish would never end, and alas, here we are, back in the grist mill, getting ready for another week, which will be capped off by Monsieur and I flying off to the Big Easy. But it won't be Easy this week; oh, my God! the clothes I have to take, or not take. What am I going to wear???? I had better pack a steamer trunk, like Vivien Leigh did in "A Streetcar Named Desire!!!!"

And speaking of classics, we got a chance to see another, yesterday, when we caught a 6PM screening of "Bringing Up Baby" at the Film Forum. Everyone has their own idea of what is their funniest movie, but, darlings, this is mine. Ever since I was young, when Channel 9 (the RKO station) would screen it often, and I would watch, I could not get enough of its madcap hilarity. Now, I had not seen this film in maybe a decade, and certainly had never seen it onscreen, which was the big attraction. How would it stand up????

It held up beautifully. Not only the humor, and the comic timing, with the actors speaking the lines so fast you wondered how they caught their breath, but the cinematography, art direction and costumes, which, while the film came from cheapy RKO looked almost sumptuous, with that art deco Thirties elegance. I was just dying for Katherine Hepburn's New York apartment, and her country house in Connecticut. And that dress she wore at the bar, doing the olive trick with all those things circling around her, making her look like something from the Jetsons. It was a treat to see this screen classic in its original format, and I was laughing so hard, even Monsieur was surprised. Even the animals give great performances here; with George played by Asta, the dog from the "Thin Man" series.

Nothing that followed in the wake of so-called "screwball comedies" could, for my money, top "Bringing Up Baby". And it is playing at the Film Forum through Thursday, so all my girls out there still have a chance. Get on down and see what true comedy is all about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The leopard call alone is a riot!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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