Friday, June 10, 2011

Girls, A Bitch Addendum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No sooner, darlings, had I posted Anthony Weiner as this week's winner of the BOTW Award, then comes the news that his recently wed wife, Huma Abedin, is pregnant!!! Well, at least it's the wife, and not one of the chippies. Clearly, it demonstrates that Weiner's weiner has been working...and working overtime!!!!! Let me tell you something, loves; a man and his weiner are easily separable, because the latter has a mind of its own. You know the old adage about one's brains being in the pants????? This offers no greater proof!!!!!

In fact, I would not be surprised if Weiner's weiner has been spreading love juice all around. Sure, Huma is preganat now! But after, say, her first trimester, it would not surprise me if one of his bits on the side evidence the same condition.

The end of the Anthony Weiner story is nowhere in sight. But, darlings, let us remember who the real fools are, and cast no aspersions on those faultless, as yet unborn, Weiners!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile, as we begin TONY Weekend, who should step forward, but another ex-BOTW, none other than Miss Julie Taymor, who insists she is going to sue the producers of "Spider Man--Turn Off The Dark." Her contention is she should be compensated for royalties, as she wrote the book (which was the show's main problem) and, with all the tremulousness of a Christian martyr about to be fed to the lions, announced that she devoted nine years of her life to this project. Oh, come on; give it up, Jules!!!!!! You probably never gave Spider Man a sustained thought, until the producers came to you with their idea, and you saw dollar signs!!!!! And look where it got you???? NOW you want some gravy!!!!!! Eat those mashed potatoes dry, honey!!!!!

Jules, dear, no one disputes your talent, but your street cred has been ruined. Here's a thought for you. Why not go back to your roots, at La Mama, and do one of your once pioneering puppet projects? How about an adaptation of the Judith Krantz classic "I'll Take Manhattan," with a giant sized Valerie Bertinelli puppet figure, hovering over a set designed mini Manhattan, with citizens to match, resembling Thimble City????? Brantley or Isherwood will fall to their knees, crying about "theatrical innovation," while the Theater Community will say you are back on top again. Which you won't be, if you pursue this silly lawsuit.

Which just goes to show a bitch can't be stopped from being...well, a bitch!!!!!
However Jules and Weiner's dramas play out, you know I will be right beside my darlings letting you know every aspect of the gloppy mess!!!!!!!

Less fattening than hot fudge, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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