Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Girls, Bitch Slap The New York Times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you believe, darlings, they gave a disparaging review to "The Shaggs--Philosophy Of The World?" Easily, as said before, the best musical I have seen this season, and you are talking to someone who has seen quite a few musicals in their time. Charles Isherwood was the reviewer, so we can be thankful for small favors, like that it was not Ben Brantley writing. Let me tell you about him--you know the closet case depicted in the Tyler Clementi play I saw the other night????? I am pretty certain his apple does not fall far from Brantley's tree. Or that other theater demimonde, Michael Reidel. I cannot speak for the latter, but my guess is that Brantley, to cover his sorry ass, gives his employers at The Times an address in Darien Connecticut, or some such suburban enclave, while in reality dwelling in TriBecca or the Meat Packing District. Hell, Brantley is probably SO tight assed I bet he would not even know who The Shaggs were, or heard any of their tracks. At least, Isherwood evidenced some knowledge in his review. including its debt to "Gypsy." Now, I will be the first to say this score does not match "Gypsy," but few scores do, honey!!! And the music is of an altogether different period. It is self serving, and serves the show well. And the performers put it over. I could easily have tolerated more of 'The Shaggs'. By the time "Book Of Mormon" finished Act One, I was ready to leave!!!!!!! But I didn't.

And of course the Times was all over THAT one! Bet Brantely drooled over it. Well, he is entitled. But not only is "The Shaggs" entertaining, it has something unique to say about America's Obsession With Fame, in that the daughters Austin Wiggin pushed for alleged stardom not only were untalented, but they all REALIZED it!!!!! Truly a unique situation.

No, the score will not stand Time's test, like say, "HAIR." But the show deserves a run, and deserves to be seen. It is not overrated, as compared to other, bigger items out there. If the Times has some kind of an agenda, I can tell you, its head is not screwed on right!!!!!!!!!!

Make sure yours all are, darlings!!!!!!!!! And stay cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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