Monday, June 13, 2011

Girls, Once More The Past Has Converged!!!!!!!

With the TONY party taking place in Bay Ridge, an area I am long familiar with, having lived there from 1983 till 1997, Monsieur and I decided to take a ride out there early, walk around, see my old nabe, and scout out prospective living possibilities. We got more than we bargained for.

I was pleasantly surprised to see how little the area had changed, not having been there in 14 years. The two restaurants diagonally across from each other at the Bay Ridge Ave stop are still there, but under different names than in my day. Same with the Cagianno's store on Third Ave; it was still thriving, but was now a generic ethnic bodega, rather than the high end Italian grocery it had been. Sad. The Three Jolly Pigeons bar on the corner had gotten a classy makeover, and so had Mike's eatery, which still carries his name, but is no longer owned by Mike.

Once we got into my nabe, save for a fence here, or a wall there, it was still pretty much the same. At last, we stood in front of my building. There it was, and the street, exactly as I remembered them. I showed Monsieur the windows out front where my bedroom had been; there was now an AC. An older man heard us chatting and asked some questions; he turned out to be the owner, George Poulakakos, still married to Debbie, who dealt with tenants there. 'Nuff said. But George was friendly, bringing us up to date on tenants from my past--Mr. Hoffman is still there, Mr. Wheeler died, the Donahues bought a place on Long Island--and even showed us an available apartment there. Like walking into my childhood home several weeks back, I never thought I would walk back into this location I had been so emotionally attached to. So much looked the same, though I noticed a more secure lobby door, new mail boxes, and buzzers outside. The apartment we saw was on the first floor, clean, charming, but I don't like first floors--no privacy. There was hardly any kitchen, and no refrigerator--NO right there!!!!--but the bedroom and living room were completely carpeted. What is it with this building???? Because the apartment I lived in there had full carpeting, too. AND no fridge; I had to buy one!!!!!

The thought of living again in the same building seemed a bit creepy. We said thanks, but no thanks. If I go back to Bay Ridge, with Monsieur, I would like to be farther in, and we both agree, in an elevator building!!!!!!!

We also stopped at OLA (Our Lady Of Angels) church, still the most beautiful one in the area. And Logue's ice cream parlor on Third Ave is still there, though under a different name and owner ship. My old laundromat on Third had now moved further down the street, but closer to my apartment.

The past converging so fast in so short a time. This means something, but I don't know what. I could not find a pic of the building, girls, so I include one of the park nearby--Owl's Head--where I spent many afternoons, sitting in and reading.

Wherever Monsieur and I do end up, girls, you will be sure to get a full report!!!!!!

Carry me back to old Bay Ridge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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