Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Is It Possible To Put A Positive Spin On Things????

I know, girls, lately this blog has begun to sound like one of the Journals of Sylvia Plath. I am nowhere near there, folks; but the Tyler Clementi thing can drag one down. Until I got the bright idea of celebrating the good reasons why he is missed.

1. What A Sweetie--Girls, MY high school portrait never looked that good! Those
who knew him said he had a smile that could light a room and a warmth to
match, and this proves it.

2. His musical talent--prodigious, brilliant, and one that would take him as
far as he might have wanted.

3. His intellectual brilliance--like many musicians, a penchant for math and
science. Better than me, I can tell you.

4. A Humanitarian--By all accounts empathetic and willing to help anyone.

5. Just For Fun--I read somewhere he knew how to ride a unicycle. Something I
always wanted to learn. So the violinist was not exactly nonathletic,

Alas, the sadness of Beauty Lost!!!!!!!!!!

How fitting to have seen the "Tyler Play" during TONY week. And I have a party to go to on Sunday, girls, which means I have to find a designer to create something for me. I would like a summery Schiaparelli knockoff; at least that is what I am hoping for!!!!!!! We shall see!!!!!!!

So rest assured, darlings, there are parties and galas to come. What kind of Queen would I be, otherwise???? While still maintaining a careful pulse on the issues above.

Hope for all, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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