Thursday, July 21, 2011

Darlings, The FIEND Was Indicted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No surprise there, girls!!!!!!!!!!! Levi Aron, Brooklyn's notorious child butcher, the slayer of innocent little Leiby Kletsky, was indicted on two counts of murder and kidnapping, among other charges, yesterday. Justice is moving swiftly in the case of this monster. If convicted (which one might consider a no brainer, were it not for Casey Anthony!!!!), he faces life without parole. If not, he will probably hook up with Casey, who will take as good care of him, as she did of Caylee!!!!! Heh! Heh!
Could be the first nice thing Casey did!!!!!!!!!!

As for those who say he wouldn't go near her, being she is not Jewish, I say--honey, what does that matter now???? IF this scum should walk, what community is going to accept him???? So, finding a nice, Jewish girl would be the least of his concerns, which would make Casey perfect for his picking. It's not like they are going to enroll at Harvard!!!!!!!!!!!!

And we continue to learn new things about Levi Aron, and one thing I am convinced of now is--crazy as he may seem, he is going straight to prison, as he knew exactly what he was doing. Leiby Kletsky was found to have been drugged with a variety of things--hydrocodone, quetiapine (used for schizoids!!!!), Tylenol, and cyclobenzaprine (a muscle relaxant). The first thing I want to know is--what is Aron doing with all these meds in thew house????? He is NOT Judy (Garland, honey; far from it!!!!!! Even in a narcotic haze, you can bet Judy would have kicked this guy clear across her concert stage!!!!! The second is--was Aron on any of these things??? Because, for one thing, that would prove he suffers from schizophrenia, and IF he was off that med he was supposed to take, it could go very hard with him--moreso even than now.

More important, as far as I am concerned, darlings, this seals his fate in going to prison. Because the fact he drugged Levi with all this stuff--bombarded him, in fact--indicates clear premeditation. None of this crap about panicking and being afraid, loves; THIS was his agenda as soon as poor Leiby slammed the door shut in Aron's 1990 Honda. And the drugs only go to proof it.

So I think Levi Aron is looking at a prison sentence. And no matter how closely he is watched, it would not surprise me if the inmates serve him a sentence of their own!!!!!! But we shall see. Meanwhile, as I have said, the tale of Levi Aron gets more convoluted with each thing we learn!!!!!!

BOOK him, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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