Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Girls, The Latest Rumor From New York Is........

that I am in negotiations for the role of Hattie Walker in the forthcoming revival of "Follies," should Linda Lavin not come into town with it!!!!!!!! Hattie, of course, is the one who sings "Broadway Baby," and is in the "Who's That Woman?' number? But, then, isn't just about everyone?????

You know, I have been able to sing the score of "Follies" since way back when, when I was 16. That would be, about, 40 years ago!!!!!!!! Can you believe it??? So, I am fully equipped to belt out "Broadway Baby" and can do so better than many who think they can, but can't, and shall remain nameless!!!!!!!!!!

In fact, at this point, I am available!!!!!! So, Linda, if you want to TONY Award your way by doing one of those other straight plays, go ahead. I will gladly step in and do Hattie with Bernadette and Company. Even though I have always had my eye on the role of Sally Durant Plummer (Hell, I even share the same birthdate--November 18 as Dorothy Collins; how serendipitous is that???), to sing the score of "Follies," is an opportunity I would kill for!!! "Hell, I'd even play the maid!" as the song says!!!!!!!!!

So, Linda, go ahead and get that TONY. Mr. Producer, I am talkin' to you sir, ready to sign on the dotted line. I don't need a lot. Only what I got. Plus a tube of grease paint and a follow spot!!!!!!!!!!

Hats off, darlings!!!!!! Here I come, one of those Beautiful Girls of "Follies!"


  1. Jane Houdyshell got the part! Sorry!

  2. Yes, thank you! I found out about Jane hours after I posted. I am sure she will be fine, and I look forward to seeing the show. But not Jane or even The Raving Queen can match the great Ethel Shutta!!!!!!

  3. I didn't realize until recently that her name is pronounced Shoo-Tay. Well I was THAT mortified by my gaffe all these years!

  4. Don't feel bad; join the club. I used to pronounce it "Shuhtta" then I thought it was "Shu-ta (long a)!!!!!
