Thursday, July 21, 2011

Girls, Next Week Will Be Full OF High Drama!!!!!!!!!!

As if we have not had enough, already, darlings. But next week, two dates are crucial during this month of July--the 25th and the 28th. On the latter, Levi Aron appears in court, and Lord knows what fresh horror will emerge from that. One can only guess.

But, earlier, on the 25th, which is next Tuesday, Mr. Dahurun Ravi returns to court. This figure, of course, is the main perpetrator in the Tyler Clementi case. Do my girls think I have forgotten Tyler??????? No way!!!!!!!!!! In fact, let me tell you about a recent dream I had.

In the dream, Tyler and I were sitting on a bank by a waterway. No surprise there, considering the relevance of water to his experience. We were just hanging out, talking of nothing in particular, when suddenly he leans forward and says he has something very important to tell me. In the dream, I am excited; I know whom I am talking to, and I think, "Now, at last, I will learn what everyone has been wanting to learn!" But, this being a dream, the image vanished, and I woke up.

When I awoke, I discussed this with Monsieur, who reminded me of this upcoming court date. This may bring things to a close, as we learn what kind of sentence Ravi gets or does not get. Or whether Miss Wei will hit the stand, look him in the face, and testify against him. Cool as ice, that one, if she can do that!!!!!!!!!

All I hope is the court appearance,if not finalizing things, is another step forward towards Justice For Tyler, and peace of mind for his parents, Joe and Jane Clementi!!!!!!!

Then, three days later, Mr. Aron appears in his Brooklyn court. Yes, it is going to be SOME week next week. And you will hear about it first here!!!!!!!!!

Justice for all tragic victims--Tyler and Leiby Kletsky!!!!!!!!!!!

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