Saturday, July 2, 2011

No Visit Would Be Complete Without A Visit To The Court Of The Two Sisters!!!!!!!!!!

Now, girls, the first thing everyone I know wants to know, is, who were the Two Sisters? I don't know, but they started the restaurant around 1832, so that is almost 180 years. The second question often asked, and, again, I do not know, is were the sisters actually sisters---spinsters--or were they lesbians? My educated guess tells me they were actual sisters, like the Baldwins on "The Waltons," Miss Mamie and Miss Emily. Personally, I always thought they were lesbians, too. But not the Two Sisters here, who were a bit more enterprising than the Baldwins.

You dine in a romantic courtyard, with musicians playing jazz. They are famous for their Jazz Brunch, but the dinners here are fine, I have no doubt. Nevertheless, we opted for our Jazz Brunch, because we had a lot to do afterwards.

The brunch was an exquisite buffet of any omelet they would make for you, Eggs Benedict, shrimp, crawfish, with appropriate sauces, a corn and curry salad, a Muffeleta Pasta Salad, potato salad, salad makings and dressing, cherry tomatoes, sweet potatoes, plus fruit--bananas in cream, grapes in cream, honeydew, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries, ice cream, coconut butter cake, chocolate brownies...honey, it just went on.

There was only so much of this I could handle! Not to mention a Bloody Mary, and a chicory coffee.

After this, we did some Voodoo shopping, got everything from potions to an altar cloth, and stopping in to see Dr. John, who showed us Sammmy the snake, and wasn't he just so cute and sweet!!!! Yes, girls, I petted a snake!!!!!!!

We then wended our way through a tour of St Louis One Cemetery, where I put some coins on Marie Levaux's grave, to give Monsieur and I some good luck with a task we are pursuing. The sun was so stifling, I nearly fainted; I did not by channeling images of Vivien Leigh as Scarlett in "Gone With The Wind," knowing if she could make it, I could, since we are cut from the same cloth, loves!!!!!!!!
We also visited the Voodoo Temple and consulted with Priestess Miriam, who was full of wisdom and truth, and whose voodoo decorated residence outdoes anything I have seen to this day in the East Village.

A lovely day, capped off by a last Muffeleta for dinner. I am going to miss the food here; even the faux places they have in New York cannot compare to the real thing. Guess we will just have to come back, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y'all come see us in New York, y'heah?????????

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