Excuse me, if I step off the glamour beat for a moment, girls, because the Leiby Kletsky murder has upset me like no other event since the death last year of Tyler Clementi. The similarities to the Etan Patz case, for those of us old enough to remember it, are frightening. Justice has been rendered with the apprehension of Levi Aron, and he will pay for his crime, but there are several things that do NOT add up.
According to what I have read, there is no evidence young Kletsky was sexually abused???? Oh, yeah??? How can you tell, when all you have are a set of body parts, and maybe not (as far as I know) the entire body???????
Aron says he took the child to his apartment. What did he think he was going to do with him????? What kind of 35 year old adult takes a strange prepubescent boy to his place of residence???????????
He further says he had the child there for several hours. What was he doing--playing Canasta??????
He also says he went out on the street, leaving the boy in the apartment.
Had the boy been physically restrained? Or was he simply too scared or naive to seek a means of escape????? Then, while out on the street, Aron realized the seriousness of the search, and, fearful of being caught, panicked and killed the boy.
He did it like a seasoned pro. Which means, I am telling you, his background should be looked at microscopically. Because then will be found the tiniest kernel proving that this was no random or initial occurrence.
Leiby Kletsky was supposedly suffocated and then dismembered. I only pray he was deceased before the latter took place. Now, how does someone with no discernible criminal record or experience, dismember a body so successfully? I mean, for the amateur, slicing through bone tissue can prove difficult. It appears Aron had no such difficulty. Or maybe he obsessively got off on the George Harvey scenes in "The Lovely Bones" movie and took his cues from there.
Aron's ex-wife in Memphis, Tennessee, says she is genuinely shocked, that he loved her two children from a previous marriage. She says a "conflict of character" led to their divorce!!!!!!! Oh, come on, sweetheart, you can do better than that!!!!!!!!!
I think the Memphis police should look into child fatalities during the time Aron lived there. I think they will find some kind of correlation.
The poor Kletskys. The only ones who can possibly understand their pain are the Patzes. At least the Kletskys got closure. Which doesn't make it any easier, but now the child can be put to rest by the family that loved him. And as the Clementis can tell them, these days in July will be with them always, as will those September days last year for Joe and Jane Clementi.
I want justice done for this child. I want him laid peacefully to rest, and then I want to see his killer get what he has coming to him. A shot in the arm. But not before his psychopathology is explored and laid bare for all of us.
Tonight, I want all my girls to pray and think about Leiby and the Kletsklys. And I want you to think on what improvements our society can make so that it stops hurting its children. And you can always comment on here to me, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peace and Justice for Leiby and his Family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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