Friday, August 12, 2011

Darlings, At One Time Or Another, We All Committ Fashion Faux!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I have no idea what prompted me to think of this, but let me just say the other day, while musing, that iconic image of young (14 at the time) Jodie Foster, as Iris, the teenage prostitute, in Martin Scorsese's "Taxi Driver", came to mind.

I vividly recall when this film came out, and the stir it caused. I was in my junior year of college, very conscious of things cinematic, and yet I managed to elude seeing this film at that time. In fact, I did not see it for the first time, till about five years ago.

But that photograph of young Jodie stayed with me, because, honey, back then, Iris was the role I wanted to play. Not because of any express desire to turn tricks, but I just wanted to wear that outfit--the floppy hat, halter top, hiked to the max shorts, and, most of all, those platform shoes.

Jodie's look as Iris was a fashion fad for a brief time, and I so wanted to indulge!!!! Which now, in the face of my Anna devotion, makes me laugh and wonder--did Anna wear platforms at that time??? I can't imagine her doing so. I can imagine how uncomfortable it must have been for Jodie to wear them during the shoot; were they comfortable at all???? Which begs the question of why so many people abuse their bodies in the name of fashion????
It makes me glad I never wore platforms, because who knows what damage would have ended up being done to my now somewhat mature feet????

It's something to think about--how we abuse our bodies time and again, with fashion. I can still recall the time I walked into the house and faced my mother, dressed in a tie dyed shirt with a Peace sign--she thought for sure I was going down Hell's path, becoming a revolutionary with no future but political disfranchisement.
I thought then I was so--oh, darlings!--Age of Aquarius!!!!! Now, the whole thing just makes me laugh.

I guess that photo of Jodie is representative of past fashion faux!!!! I wonder if she cringes now, when she looks at it??? But then, she wore it as required, as a costume. She did not embrace it as a lifestyle look.

Which goes to say what looks stylish today may not look so tomorrow. But there is still such a thing as taste. We all like a little flamboyance now and then, but don't let things take you too far, darlings!!!!!!!! Let that photo of Jodie be your guide!!!!!!!!!!

You better believe it is mine, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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