Monday, August 8, 2011

Darlings, How Many Of My Girls Remember THIS????????????

One of my charming correspondents elsewhere, sent me a YouTube clipping of something I thought never to see again, but opened a Pandora's box of nostalgia once I viewed it.

I am talking about the intro to "Million Dollar Movie."

For those growing up in the Metropolitan Area during the sixties, this was a program that would show a film every evening, and sometimes several times during a day, especially on weekends. But the name was deceptive, because what was often shown were not full fledged classics, but whatever Channel 9 could scrape from its pool. I recall seeing "The Giant Behemoth" more times than I can remember, and one of my other faves was when they ran "House On Haunted Hill!"

Which was ironic, concerning the theme music of the program, which was securely embedded in my conscience, only as "the theme from 'Million Dollar Movie' till one fateful night in the late sixties.

This must have been back in 1967, when I was in seventh grade, and "Gone With The Wind" had just been re-released at the Rivoli Theater. One night, curled up in bed, prior to going to sleep, I was listening to a station on my clock radio, when the announcer said, "From 'Gone With The Wind', here is 'Tara's Theme'". Well, as soon as the first notes played, I sat bolt upright in bed, because I recognized it instantly. As I continued to listen, it took a few minutes to sink in that what I had been listening to all my life had been "Tara's Theme" from GWTW. Prior to my seeing the film, my parents gave me as a gift the Original Soundtrack album, with all the key music for the film, and still, every time I heard that theme, I thought..."Million Dollar Movie." It was not until February 25, 1968, when I saw the film for the first time, at the Clairidge Theater in Montclair, New Jersey, and heard the theme in context, that I was able to let go of the "Million Dollar Movie" association.

But how I remember that montage of New York night life. The stairs of the Port Authority escalator, the hotel in the West Fifties, Lincoln Center and the fountain, and the bright lights of Broadway, with Sardi's and the St. James Theatre standing out. Girls, this, and the Marlo Thomas montage on "That Girl" is what induced myself, and so many others, to move to New York, where we had our own versions of the nighttime glamour seen on the 'Movie' montage, and whose locations, especially Lincoln Center, certainly played, and continue to, an important role in my life!!!!!!

The power of first impressions, I tell you honey, they last!!!!! I wonder how many of my girls out there recall "Million Dollar Movie," and, if so, feel free to share your thoughts.

Somehow, without it, New York seems a little less glamorous.

Until I march out into the night air in my designer ensemble!!!!!!

Make sure you do too, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I remember watching Duel in the Sun (which must have been heavily cut for time) and The White Tower with Glenn Ford and Valli. I watched each every night for the whole week. Drove my parents nuts!

  2. Wow! I must have missed "Duel In The Sun" (and, yes, it had to have been cut). I did not see that till several years ago onscreen at the Film Forum. And, yes, the multiple showings drove my parents crazy, too!!!!!!
