Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Girls, What Has The Advertising Industry Come To?????????

Darlings, having heard me enough last week on how the Broadway theater is tanking in so many ways, it is time, now, to look at the advertising industry. Because there is one ad currently in circulation that not only defies good taste, but would do more I think, to reduce, rather than improve, sales of the product being marketed.

I refer to the Jello Pudding Pudding Face ads!!!!!!!!!!

Have you seen these things????? In New York, the posters are plastered all over subway stations and bus stops. They feature these grotesque looking people with elongated grinning mouths, shot in a surreal type of lighting. They come off as a mixture of Salvador Dali paintings and the Bizarros in the DC comics. Not a pretty picture, I can tell you.

Back in my day, advertising always used Proctor and Gamble pretty, cookie cutter people, fresh from Central Casting. Like the Von Trapp Children in "The Sound of Music" movie. Those days appear to be gone. I mean, look at the cute, but rather avuncular guy selling baseball tickets in the credit card (MasterCharge?) commercial!!!!! While it is good to use more realistic people in ads; it aids the public's self esteem and reduces, to an extent, body image issues created by the media in the first place, the Jello Pudding Faces are something else. Grotesque, exaggerated, and menacing in a way that makes their intentions suspicious. I can tell you, while I have been a faithful consumer of Jello Products for at least 50 years, and can vouch for their pudding, these ads do not endear me to the product, so I imagine people coming to this for the first time are not going to be charmed, either.

Or maybe I am wrong! After all, 'Spider Man' seems a hit, Casey Anthony is free and clear, so why shouldn't ad campaigns lower their standards and succeed, too????? But it is getting harder and harder to look at those ads every day!!!!!!!!!

This is the kind of thing that justifies subway graffiti, darlings!!!!!!!!!


  1. As Bette Davis declared in Where Love Has Gone: "Somewhere along the line, the world has lost all it's standards and all it's taste!"

  2. And I will Bette you right back--
    "Honeychild has a point!!!!!!!!"
