Friday, August 12, 2011

Time To Speak Out On Tyler Again, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tyler Clementi is back in the news, as are those two scumbags, harasser Dahrun Ravi, and his sleazoid attorney Steven Altman (no relation to the great film director) who, as was said previously, want all charges against Ravi dismissed in relation to Tyler Clementi. Only now things are starting to get nasty, as this case, which has not come to trial yet, is being tried in a public arena, as the defense lawyers play that tried bu true game called Blame the Victim. Before they are through, Tyler will be the perpetrator.

Well, not if I can help it--or him!!! First, Tyler is not here to speak for himself, and that is due to both Me. Ravi and Miss Wei.

The defense team says evidence has been held back, but when you examine the contents that allegation is specious at best.

Let's start with Ravi. He engineered this whole voyeuristic ruse, which took considerable planning, set up and premeditation. Now, he claims (but his claims are tainted with between the line comments which only make him look worse)that he and Wei only watched for two seconds, saw nothing more than Tyler and a man called by Ravi "creepy..older...late 20's, early 30's" kissing. Poor baby; wait till you get to that age, and see how creepy you feel! You're starting out being a creep, already. The piece de resistance is Ravi denying any homophobia, that, while Tyler was going through his psychological Hell prior to jumping, he (Ravi) was writing to Tyler, claiming he knew Tyler was gay, that he (Ravi) had gay friends, (that old cliche--"Some of my best friends are. .." HAH!!!) and that he just thought Tyler was shy about discussing it.
Honey, if Tyler wanted to discuss it, he would. Shyness had nothing to do with it; he instinctively did not trust this scum!!!! Ravi's claims end with a statement that he wrote an apology, saying his intentions were good (REALLY???) and saying if Tyler wanted to switch rooms, fine, but to feel no pressure to do so--the subtext being, "I want you outta here, ASAP, homo!!!!"

People are now supposed to feel sorry for Ravi, who took all the right actions before Tyler could be made aware. Honey, if he was so above board, then why did he film Tyler in the first place????? If the filming had not been done, Tyler would have had his encounter, maybe switched rooms, but would be now getting ready for his sophomore year. But Ravi and Wei took care of that. And if Wei DOES testify against him, it will be interesting to hear what she says to refute all this.

Now, let's get to Tyler. He DID take actions, but there is still that window of fifteen hours between finishing rehearsal and ending his life which we need to know about, but may never. Now, comes info that Mrs. Clementi reported Tyler missing to Rutgers, saying he was depressed, and it had something to do with info he told them (his parents) three weeks before. The lawyers assume that info was that Tyler was gay--but maybe it wasn't. And coming out to your folks takes guts, it is not something one does in a depressed state. There was also a statement that, weeks before his death, Tyler was repeatedly taking photos of the GWB on his cell phone.

You see what these sleazeballs are doing, darlings???? They are trying to portray Tyler as psychologically disturbed already, who had been contemplating his act before Ravi and Wei entered the picture, and that he would have done it anyway!!!!

Oh, yeah???? Prove it!!!!!!

The prosecution has not commented. I guess they wanted to hear the allegations. The filming is what pushed Tyler over the edge, and if Ravi had not gone about it, I would not be blogging this right now. I would never have heard of Tyler Clemnti.

As all young gay people are in their early life, so Tyler Clementi, in death, is being used as a group scapegoat by the straight mainstream, as represented by Ravi and his defense team. They are grasping at every straw, even if it means ripping Tyler to shreds. Hasn't he been through enough????? Now, he is being denied peace in death. This much I can tell you from experience--Tyler WAS struggling. At 18, having to adjust to college, his emerging sexuality, and balancing that with a healthy family relationship, which it seems he had, Tyler had a lot on his plate, what every one of us who begins from this point has on their plate. Of course, most of us don't get humiliated in the most public way imaginable by someone we are not just forced to associate with, but to reside with. It all comes back to Ravi filming; if he had taken his cineaste inclinations elsewhere, Tyler, albeit struggling, would still be here today.

How dare you filth try to pollute Tyler's reputation before the world, his parents and family???? A defense like this is dangerous, because if a jury buys it, personal responsibility goes out the window!!!! My responsibility, girls, rests with protecting Tyler. Whatever mud the defense team keeps slinging, three things cannot be disputed--Tyler is dead, the filming pushed him to death, and Ravi, with Wei, was responsible for that. It comes down to this--hey Dahrun, if you are SO magnanimous towards homosexuals, why did you set Tyler up???? And, if you recognized he was shy/vulnerable about discussing his sexuality, then why exploit it in this manner????? And if some of your best friends are gay, I wonder what these so-called friends think of you, now????? Would they trust you with them now???? I wouldn't.

It is now up to the prosecution to heighten and expand upon the points raised here in order to shoot down the defense's cheap tactics. Tyler Clementi died because of cultural bias and hatred. If Ravi's charges get dismissed (which my belief system won't allow itself to fathom) then we as a society become redefined as, maybe not so much Godless, but certainly inhumane!!!!! Not only is Tyler's rep on the chopping block, but so, too the rights of others to live freely without encumbrance from standard conformist norms.

Tyler Clementi was the gentle soul sacrificed by prejudicial standards. I will personally not allow him to go down besmirched any more than he already has been. I align myself with the prosecution to discredit the defense, and all those who truly think that way!!!!!

And, Ravi, let me tell you, on behalf of the Gay Community, if you get out of this, sooner or later, the Community WILL, in some way, have your ass!!!!!!!!!!

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