Sunday, August 14, 2011

We Still Must Fight For Justice For Tyler!!!!!!!!!

Well, girls, we knew it would get ugly, and heated, but never fail,I can do it too.

Suddenly, court documents in the Tyler Clementi case seem to be crawling out of the woodwork. Some (which I can believe) paint a homophobic portrait of Dahrun Ravi; that, before they met, when he looked at Tyler's Facebook page, he called him, admonishingly, "flamboyantly gay." Later, he refers to Tyler (maybe after they met) as "gay, but regular gay." Hey, Dahrun, every time you open your mouth, toads pop out!!!
First, we learn you distinguish between degrees of gay, which is homophobic in itself, but when confronted counter with the "gay, but regular gay" remark, which still leaves the impression there is something wrong with being gay. And you want YOUR charges dismissed???? And YOU, especially in light of what happened, expect people to feel sorry for YOU???? Hah!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, for Tyler. The mudslingers are claiming Tyler racist, that he slammed Ravi for being "so Indian, first generation American, stereotyping him as coming from a family of Dunkin' Donuts owners." Honey, how come we have not seen this aspect of Tyler till now???? Because there ISN'T ANY!!!! Even when he was trying to sort things out, we know of Tyler's ambivalence about confronting Ravi, saying "he is a pretty good roommate." As things turn out, it looks lie Ravi was intolerant--documents allege Tyler knew Ravi was uncomfortable with his homosexuality, saying he went into the closet to undress every time??? Hey, Dahurn, how did you survive high school Phys Ed.????? Sounds like you are uncomfortable with much more in addition to homosexuality. Tyler had no problem undressing in front of you; he did not put "the make" on you (you're not good looking enough!!!!), so who is the intolerant one, darling????? Hmmmmmm????????? And who is the one who committed suicide, and is dead?????

Before the incident even happened, the web cam was an issue. Ravi made a statement about its "helping to keep gays away;" Tyler voiced suspicions that Ravi would use it to spy on him--and he was right!!!!!!!!! Oh, and the mysterious "M.B.," Tyler's "date," is now revealed to be 25, which could make him a grad student, or someone Tyler met in the course of his musicianship, but NOT some sleazoid pick-up, as has been implied by the other side.

Sweeties, I will tell you--no matter how much mud these pricks keep flinging at Tyler, he still comes out on top, because every word that comes out of Ravi's mouth or texting, reveals a person with deep seated hatred and prejudice. No wonder the Prosecution has not commented that much; their work is being done for them!!!! Dahrun Ravi is digging his own grave!!!!!!!!

Keep digging, boy!!!! May you be consigned to the pit of your Hell for what you have done to Tyler and those who care about him!!!!!! You may or may not be Tandooried, but sooner or later, you will be. And sooner or later, you will realize this will never end for you, because you will be irrevocably associated with Tyler Clementi to the end of your days!!!!!!!!

I will keep on fighting, girls!!!! May you all do the same!!!!!!!!

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