Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Yet More News From The Rialto, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, that is the thing about Broadway--it is silent one second, and buzzing the next. The latest buzz concerns Jan Maxwell, currently wowing them at the Maruqis as Phyllis in the revival of "Follies." Word on the street (including yours truly) is that Jan's Phyllis is the best this side of Alexis Smith--and that is high praise indeed.

Jan has always been one to get high praise. From her bitchy yet humanizing performance as the Baroness (avoiding all the campiness of Eleanor Parker in the film) in the 1998 revival of "The Sound Of Music," to her brilliant turn awhile back as Rosemary Harris' daughter in "The Royal Family," Jan has always been a critic and audience favorite, and her Phyllis should be no exception.

However, loves, it seems that favorability does not extend to backstage, where I am told Jan is widely disliked by those having to work behind the scenes. It seems Jan treats non actors and techies therein like a grade-A bitch. Not since Frank Langella appeared at Roundabout in "A Man For All Seasons," have I heard someone being reviled this much. It makes one wonder.

But I am here to tell Jan--honey, you better watch out, or you will find yourself being named on here as Bitch Of The Week. At this point, you are at the very least a strong contender!!!!! And if you persist in such behavior, you will not only be named, but subsequently will find yourself no longer sitting at the table with all the "cool" people, but banished to the darkly lit corner table filled with those who thought they were SO special, but weren't--like Julie Taymor and Diane Paulus!!!!!! They do need another to round out as a trio, but, Jan, do you really WANT that distinction????? What is the problem?????

It may be that Jan's brilliance as an actress is overclouding personal judgement. She is so biting and acerbic as Phyllis that she may just be carrying the character around with her backstage. Now, having trod the boards somewhat myself, I know there is a fine, invisible line, that separates backstage from onstage, and person from character. Whatever side you are on is how you behave. You do NOT behave as yourself when you cross onstage, nor should you behave as your CHARACTER when you cross backstage. It seems Jan may be forgetting this. She needs to have a talk, or a crisis intervention with MERYL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or it may just be that she is a bitch, treating everyone around her, to paraphrase Karen Richards (Celeste Holm) in "All About Eve", like her supporting cast. Better wise up, Jan--if reports of your behavior have gotten out as far as this blog, you are in serious trouble, already. I know Phyllis can't decide between wanting to be Lucy or Jessie, but you can decide between being a lady or a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!

Otherwise, dear, you will be staring at nothing but your shelves of the world's best books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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