Monday, September 12, 2011

Are We Playing "Blame The Victim" Again, Darlings????????

I have to wonder about this, girls, after reading Alfred P. Doblin's carefully balanced and nuanced essay with regard to the the Tyler Clementi situation. While a good deal more subtle than Mr. Marc Poirier of yesterday, I have to wonder at some of what Doblin is thinking.

He says Dahrun Ravi deserves a vigorous offense. Now, to me this would seem a no brainer, an understatement, not worthy of mention. Of course, EVERYONE on trial deserves a vigorous defense. But Doblin stating it in this instance smacks of an opinion that Ravi is not getting his share, that, he, somehow is more deserving of our consideration.

What about the fact that this guy calculatedly filmed and broadcast a young man engaged in sexual intimacy, and the consequences that followed in its wake???? All Doblin seems to offer up is that Tyler Clementi is guilty of posting too much information about himself on the Internet???? Is he, really???? I mean, in this Internet age, Tyler's school records, test scores and medical records are available to those that might need access to them. Whatever Tyler chose to put out with regard to himself, was his own selecton, so how does this become his fault???? And doesn't it just deflect from what Ravi did???? Of course it does.

Doblin has a point about the Internet being pervasive in today's society, and he draws distinctions between his generation (very likely mine, the Baby Boomers) and Tyler's who grew up not knowing what it was like to have no Internet. Tyler was a product of his peer group and times. Why should he be held accountable for that???

I have to admit Doblin was right on the mark in one instance. He said when Ravi was Googling for info about his prospective roomie, that if he had found Tyler chatting on a forum for, say, New York Giants football fans, we would not he having these discussions right now!!!! Damn right!!!!!!!!! But is that Tyler's fault?????
No! It is not even entirely Ravi's. It IS the fault of the still pervasive climate of homophobia that comes through in this country, fueled in part by the Internet, but still handed down and fed to young people like Ravi. If you want to blame anyone, Mr. Doblin, blame this culture's climate. Of which, no matter how smartly you may think you cover it up, you are a part!!!!!!!!!

I am sick to death of these homophobic assholes weighing in and blaming Tyler Clementi, who has nothing to be blamed for, and cannot speak for himself. If these goons want to express these views, go over to websites for Rush Limbaugh or Dr. Laura, and chat all you want there. Don't waste your time with allegedly legitimate journalism.

Which begs the question of how homophobic the media is????? But that is for another time, perhaps. The issue here is that blaming Tyler Clementi, who cannot defend himself, is as damaging as when Tyler was getting picked on while he was alive. Give this child some rest!!!!! And keep the focus on what the real issue at stake is--violation of a person's individual rights, not what they choose to write about themselves online!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Doblin, may you get smacked with BARBRA CD's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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