Friday, September 16, 2011

Darlings, Wouldn't We Like To Take A Drive With Ryan!!!!!!!!!!

Just imagine, girls, if Ryan Gosling and I did a stage or screen redux of "Driving Miss Daisy." He would drive, and I would be the passenger. In this version, of course, Miss Daisy would somehow have managed to drain the gas tank, so that, at some point, we run out of gas. Preferably in a remote woods, with a secluded cabin that is centrally heated and beautifully furnished, because, I am telling you, not even for Mr. Gosling, am I going to throw myself upon leaves and twigs!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am sure Ryan drives as good as he looks. And what a joy ride he would be for all of us. Sweeties, I am getting car fever just thinking about it.

So while we are waiting for that ride, check out his latest oeuvre. With three movies this year, Ryan's star seems to be in ascendancy. First, "Crazy Stupid Love", now "Drive," and soon the one I am looking forward to, "The Ides Of March," which could be a really thought provoking story. For those of my girls who simply cannot get enough of Ryan, this is HIS season!!!!!!!!!!

And Prosperina has not even gone back to Hell, yet!!!!!!!!!!!!

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