Friday, September 9, 2011

Darlings, You'd Have To Go Pretty Far To Top This Sleaze!!!!!!

I cannot believe, girls, I had never heard of Colonel Russell Williams, or his case. But after hearing of it, I just had to report to my girls, because, while I do not use the "f" word that much, it applies in his case.

This guy is One Sick Fuck!!!!!!!!!

Not only that, he would serve as a poster boy for anti-authoritarianism. Those who might wish a return to the "cops are pigs, military is scum" era of the Sixties could look no further than adopting Colonel Williams as a cause celebre.

On the surface, David Russell Williams was the All-American guy--perfect wife, house, marriage, career military service, heading Canada's top aerial base. These overachievers, epitomes of perfection, I am telling you, are the ones you have to watch out for.

This officer was no gentleman, honey, though he may have acted it. He was also a thief, fetishist, rapist, torturer and murderer. How's that for variety?????

Over a course of several years, Williams made 88 break-ins to houses, where he did everything from spilling his seed of Onan onto teenage girls' bureaus (pig!!!), to
stealing their lingerie, trying it on, photographing himself so dressed, then keeping the items for a collection that he cataloged as professionally as any librarian archivist I have seen. And, believe me, darlings, I know!!!!!

I'll say one thing. Not having this fetish myself, girls, knowing nothing of wearing women's lingerie, I had no idea of its elasticity. I mean, it would have to have some give if it could wrap itself around this older man's body!!!!! What I want to know is this--if he wanted to cross dress, fine!!!! So why not surreptitiously try on his wife's stuff??? That's what most husbands so inclined do. If a study were made of marriages saved in this way, well, as Dorothy Parker once said, "I wouldn't be at all surprised."

But, NO, Williams had to exercise a sickness which only escalated, going from fetishism, to masturbation, video voyeurism, rape and murder. Ann Morrison Cook discovered someone had been almost living with her in her solitude, as intermittently, things would disappear in ways she could not account for. Two women in Ann's area were sexually assaulted. A subordinate of Williams, Marie, was raped and murdered, as was a 27 year old named Jessica Lloyd. In this last case, he kidnapped, held her captive for at least a day, tortured her, photographed the whole thing, including her death, then disposed of her body in a remote area miles away!!!!

Someone needed to catch this guy!!!! But it was not until Jessica's disappearance, where van tire tracks and a footprint were found on her property, that police were eventually led to Williams. The self righteous prick--he wouldn't at first give up anything, only uttering the philandering hubby's lament, "Please don't tell my wife!" Well, guess what, Russ, with YOUR record, how is she NOT gonna know????? Once he cracked, his confessions spun out so matter of factly, it was like he was reciting a grocery shopping list!!!!! And WHY did he do it???? "I don't know," he says.

What is fascinating is that, from what I have read, Russell doesn't exhibit classic serial killer symptoms. Or if they are there, they are so buried, he will not discuss them. Except for his moving around a lot with his family, early indicators are of a high achieving, straighten-up-and-fly-right type. But, being the Raving Queen, darlings, I have SOME ideas of my own.

Williams had some key Female Issues!!!! Let's start with his wife; who, by the way, said she had no idea of any of his deviance, until the day he was charged, back in 2010. You have to wonder about that. But you also have to wonder--she was six years older than he!!!! Russell cut a hot enough figure in his military garb, so it is understandable, but what kind of Mommy issues could have compelled him to marry an older woman???? Hmmm??????? Obviously, he was so tightly wound in his professional life, he needed to unwind--hell, who doesn't???--but weren 't the fetishism and self photographing enough???? To up the ante to rape and murder indicates some kind of inner rage towards women as authority figures, which can come from only one source--Mother!!!!! Dig into his family and their past, especially his mother, and you will have the key to Williams' sick behavior. I guarantee it!!!!

It was hardly a surprise that Williams was convicted, sentenced to serve two life sentences, concurrently. What does surprise me is his eligibility for parole in 25 years!!! I don't think he has a chance in Hell of getting out. Take the key, and lock this scum up!!!!!

Just when you think you know depravity, along comes someone to tip those scales!!!!! Imagine, Williams must be getting his wish--if he desired in any way to be a woman (which seems pretty much the case), his dreams must have come true, for you can bet where he is now he is the Local Bitch!!!!!!

Hup-Two, Russ!!!!! Love to all my darlings, from THIS bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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