Thursday, September 15, 2011

Girls, Be Thankful If You Did NOT Peak In High School!!!!!!!!!!!

No, darlings, this is not going to be another diatribe about Diane or Roberta. They may have peaked, but turned out to be fundamentally harmless, just your ordinary, garden variety suburbanites. Unlike this week's winner of Bitch Of The Week.

That distinction goes to Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong, of Erie, Pennsylvania!!!!!!!!!!

Marjorie started out being a high achiever; she was, after all, Valedictorian of her high school graduating class. Though, in Erie, PA, you have to wonder--how big was the class--5? 10? It might not have been much of a contest for Marjorie. Nevertheless, she was named!

From what can be gathered, Marjorie did not do much after that. There is no evidence she went to college, but simply rested on her high school laurels. She drifted from job to job, never lasting at one long enough to keep it together, having to have her father bale her out time and again. So far Marjorie is nothing more than your garden variety lackey loser.

But then she ups the ante. Her mother dies, of natural causes, leaving behind a $500g inheritance. Her father gives her $50K of that, telling her he is keeping the remaining $450k. Which does not suit Marjorie at all. She wants the entire thing, but I am telling you, the way it appears this woman goes through money, even if she were given $1 million, she would be out of dough before long. Daddy refuses to give Margie another cent--this is not Margie Albright and Vern, darlings!!!!!--insisting she should be able to make do with what was left to her. But Marjorie has other fish to fry.

How a valedictorian could be so stupid is anyone's guess. If anything, it proves being such does not necessarily hold up. And while the aforementioned Diane and Roberta, may have peaked, they have managed to retain (especially Roberta!) their looks. Get a good look at Marjorie. As people have asked, how did she manage to manipulate all these men, let alone have boyfriends???????

It is not enough Marjorie wants to kill her father. It is not enough she could simply do it herself, like good old Lizzie Borden!!!! Oh, no, she wants to hire a Hit Man to do the deed!!! Well, honey, they do not come cheap!!!! And Marjorie certainly does not have that kind of cash.

So, in a caper that become known as the Pizza Bombing, she coerces two men she knows, Brian Douglas Wells and Kenneth Burns into robbing a bank with her, in order to get money for the Hit Man!!!! Girls, I don't know what she promised these guys to get her to do it, but if it was sex, let me tell you, I hope for their sakes they were blind, or at least put a bag over themselves or Marjorie's head!!!!!! Both guys were rather average looking; wouldn't a hooker do??????? But, no, they team up with Marjorie to do this, and just like everything else with her, things go awry. Brian is assigned to wear a wired bomb timed to go off at a certain point; to get him to agree, he is told it is not real. Well, guess what, Brian??? It is, and your number is up!!!!!!! Brian goes Ka-Boom!, thanks to Marjorie and dies. Kenneth Burns get imprisoned for 45 years, while ugly Marjorie gets Life. Without parole, I am sure. And Daddy gets to keep the money, since he is still alive.

With Marjorie now in jail, one has to wonder what will happen once he goes. Will she reap what she sowed???? Or will it go elsewhere??????? I hope she never sees a red cent!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, congratulations to Bitch Of The Week Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong!!!!! Even for Erie, PA you are pretty stupid!!!!!!!!! The next time you decide you want something done, dear, do it yourself!!!!!!!!!! One thing, though--you could not ask for a better example of what goes down in high school not mattering a bit than Marjorie!!!!!! She may have been Valedictorian, but where did it get her??????? And the way she looks now, she sure won't make Prom Queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She won't even get on the decorating committee!!!!!!!

Almost time to start thinking about Halloween decorations, now, darlings!!!!!!!!!!

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