Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Girls, We Should All LooK THIS Good At 77!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, can you believe it?????? Today, Sophia Loren (yes, Sophia Loren! She of "Two Women," "Marriage--Italian Style," even "The Countess From Hong Kong"--"So loooooooooooove, this is myyyyyyyyy sooooooooong!") turns 77!!!!!! And doesn't she look fabulous???? Let me tell you, lambs, I am about twenty years younger, and I have moments where I feel like I am ready for the canner's!!!!!! I am sure Sophia never felt that way in her life!!!!!!! And her deportment, darlings!!!!!! Even the gayest among us--you know who that is, dolls!--can notice that!!!!! If my deportment holds up even to 57, I will be grateful. By the time I reach Sophia's age, Heaven help me, I might be concave!!!!!!!!

So a Happy Birthday to Miss Sophia Loren!!!! If this is what pasta and sauce does for one, I say, pile it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ciao bella, darlings!!!!!!!!!

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