Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Though We Gotta Say Goodbye To The Summer.......

"They say that all good things must end someday,
Autumn leaves must fall."

Lambs, I am telling you, it seems like yesterday we were getting ready for the Summer--Gidget, Moondoggie, the Great Kahuna and everything. And now the Great Kahuna (Cliff Robertson) himself has left us, the flora and fauna on nature are beginning to lose their luster, the dusk of night falls upon us sooner than we like, and us career gals are getting up in the dark to make that coffee that propels us into our glamour ridden, power jobs! You better believe it, darlings!!!!! And tomorrow, I don't care what you say, marks the First Day of Fall, when Prosperina officially goes back to Hell, and her mother, Ceres, (Earth Mother supreme!) is sad, so leaves fall from the trees, and snow bedecks the ground.

And, Lord, we have a theater season upon us, which has kicked off with "Follies" and tomorrow a reconvening of the LPA Playreading Group, so, as far as Autumn is concerned, we are underway!!!!! But not before we say a fond farewell to Summer.

Girls, it was the Summer of my Inner Southerness--a trip to New Orleans, where a most romantic time was had with Monsieur, a reading of three, key Southern texts--"The Help," "The Witching Hour" and "Gone With The Wind," the Mermaid Parade at Coney Island, trips to Morris Plains, and months of comfortable clothes wear. This last I love best, darlings!!!!!! Now it will soon be time to layer up, think about turning older (a November birthday), Thanksgiving, visiting the Metropolitan Museum of Art Christmas Tree, and, before we know it, watching that ball drop in Times Square, with or without Dick Clark!!!!!!!

And one anniversary I have kept somewhat quiet about but cannot go without mentioning it to my girls. This Friday, darlings, yes, THIS Friday, marks--gasp!--30 years I have walked through these hallowed halls to work!!!! I can't believe it! When I first started here, I was all of 26 (and SO tender, loves!) but I remember thinking, "If I am still here in 30 years, I will be....well, never mind!" The point is, I never expected 30 years to go by so soon, or I fully expected to be in Hollywood or on Broadway. Instead, I chronicle it to all my girls out there, which I am SO proud to do.

Since we will be in town this weekend, I can tell you Monsieur and I will be celebrating this august event with a dinner at Manducatis, to also open their Fall Season!!!!!! The best Italian restaurant, located in Long Island City, and one of the best kept secrets in town!!!! So, don't breathe a word, darlings!!!!!!!!

So, a fond farewell to the Summer of 2011!!!!! You were good to all of us, and we look forward to the Fall!!!!!!!!!!

See you for drinks, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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