Saturday, October 22, 2011

Aren't They Just SO Cute, Girls????????????????

"They," of course, are Cellino and Barnes, of the so-named enterprising law firm!!!!
With a good advertising manager, who showcases them on television constantly, and, after yours truly gets through with them, via this blog, they will be so sought after, clients will have to be turned away in droves!!!!!!!!!

Just look at that picture, darlings!!!!!!!!!! Makes one feel so good about consulting a lawyer, which isn't always the case, because, let me tell you, despite what TV portrays, real life lawyers aren't even as nice looking as Cellino and Barnes!!!! The majority of them are just plug ugly!!!!!!

And would you believe, lambs, with all MY years in "the business", I am still expected to audition????? It's a crime; isn't it??? But after hearing their (C and B's) charming advertising jingle, I think I will sing that at my next audition. Imagine:

"Cellino and Barnes.
Injury attorneys.

OK, so it isn't Cole Porter or Sondheim. BUT the melody is charming and infectious, and, when I do it in a red teddy, slinging my hips, in my most lighthearted matter, it is sure to catch producers' attention. Hell, if I could just do that for Bartlett Sher, he could tie a tin can around the tail of that little broad, named Lauren Ambrose, and toss her out into the street, where she belongs!!!!

But this is not what my girls want to know. When it comes to Cellino and Barnes, what my girls want to know is--

1. Who is the top, and who is the bottom?
2. Who wears panties??????

Let's start at the beginning. I think the guy with hair and broad shoulders, to the left, is Cellino, while the baldie to the right, is Barnes. Cellino looks like he could definitely be a top, but you have to wonder--these guys are great legal partners, but who knows? Maybe it is more than that, in which case I could easily see them switching off. I get the impression, from Barnes' portrait that he likes to top out , once in awhile!!!!!!

As for the panties, well, that's Cellino!!! Why??? Honey, I have been around the block, so let me tell you something--the butcher the guy seems on the outside, the more femme he is within!!!!! That is why so many power mongers, gay OR straight, like to get beaten by dominatrices, and why gay nerdy guys pull their pullets for hunks, like in Titan Media Productions!!! Opposites attract, loves, and each represents what the other wants to be!!! An important axiom in the gay community, lamb chops!!!!!!

So, girls, next time you need a lawyer, or, if you just want some legal action for yourself, call Cellino and Barnes!!!!! They are just SO cute!!!!!!

And bet their dockets and Dockers are nicely filled, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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